Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/235

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210 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 359. 1878. the United States, the subtreasury, and the offices of collector of customs and internal revenue, on the first day of July, anno Domini eighteen Promo. hundred and seventy-nine: Provided, further, That the amount hereby appropriated shall be sufficient for that purpose. Cincinnati; Customhouse and post office, Cincinnati, Uhio: For continuation of building three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Evansville; Custom-house, court-house, and post-office, Evansville, Indiana: For completion of building, including fences, grading, and approaches, forty-tive thousand dollars. Grand Rapids; Court-house and postomce, Grand Rapids, Michigan : For completion of building, including fences, grading, and approaches, forty-seven thousand dollars. Hnrrisbnvzt Postonice Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: For continuation of building nfty thousand dollars. Lincoln; Court-house and post·office, Lincoln, Nebraska: For approaches, grading, fencing, and paving twelve thousand five hundred dollars. Topeka; For n public building at Topeka, Kansas, to be erected upon the grounds already owned by the United States, forty thousand dollars: Promo. Provided, That the said building shall not exceed in cost two hundred thousand dollars, and shall be of the description and for the purposes provided for in chapter one hundred and ninety of the statutes oi eighteen hundred and seventy‘tive. Memphis; Custom-house, court-house, and post-office, Memphis, Tennessee: For continuation of building, twenty-five thousand dollars; and said building shall he constructed of marble quarried in the State of Tennessee, Proriao. cut and dressed on the site of the building: Provided, however, That the cost of the building shall not be increa ed more than eighty-five thousand dollars over and above the limit heretofore fixed by law for _ the cost of the same. Raleigh; Court house and post-office, Raleigh, North Carolina: For approache , and sewer to river, grading, fencing, paving, and entire completion, twenty-four thousand dollars. Saint Louis; Custom-house and post ofllce Saint Louis, Missouri: For continuation of building, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Utica; Court-house and post-olhce, Utica, New York: For continuation of building, hfty thousand dollars. \Vashington, Treasury building, Washington, District of Columbia: For annual UU- repairs, twenty thousand dollars. Repairs and preservation of public buildings: For repairs and preservation of public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, one hundred thousand dollars. Boston; Custom-house, Boston, Massachusetts: For protecting basement of building against tidewater, and resetting side walks, ten thousand dollars. Post-onice and sub-treasury, Boston, Massachusetts: For continuation of building, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. DGWYS Post-ollice, Dover. Delaware : For completion of building, approaches, grading, fencing, and paving, seven thousand dollars. Fall River; Custom-house and post-otiice, Fall River, Massachusetts: For continuation of building, twenty thousand dollars. Hartford; Custom-house and post-office, Hartford, Connecticut: For continuation of building, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Little Rook; Court-house and post oiizice, Little Rock, Arkansas: For continuation of building, thirty thousand dollars. Nashville; Custom-house, court-house, and post-office, Nashville, Tennessee: For continuation of building, thirty-tive thousand dollars. New Orleans; Custom-house, New Orleans, Louisiana: For continuation of building, thirty thousand dollars. Parkersburg; Court-house and postoffice, Parkersburg, West Virginia: For approaches, grading, fencing, and paving, nine thousand dollars. Philadelphia: Postroffice and court-house, Philadelphia-, Pennsylvania: For continnation of building, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.