Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/238

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FORTYFIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 350. 1878. 213 engraving, transferring. plate-printing, and other specialties necessary lor carrying on the work of engraving and printing notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, the pay for such labor to be lixed by the Secretary of the Treasury at rates not exceeding the rates usually paid for such work; and lor other expenses of engraving and printing notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States; for paper for notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, including mill expenses, boxing, and transportation; for materials other than paper required in the work of engraving and printing; for purchase of engravers’ tools, dies, rolls, and plates, and for machinery and repairs of same; and for expenses of operating macerating-machines for the destruction of the United States notes, bonds, national-bank notes, and other obligations of the United States authorized to be destroyed, two hundred thousand dollars. LIGHT-HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT. Keepers of light-houses: For salaries (including fuel, rations, and Keepers. transportation of the same, rent of quarters where necessary, and similar incidental expenses) of nine hundred and ninety-one light-keepers and fog-signal keepers, five hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred dollars; and tho Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, upon the recommendation of the Light-House Board, to use any surplus portion of the said sum for the purchase of automatic buoys. Light-vessels: For seamen’s wages, rations, repairs, salaries, supplies, Light-vessels. and incidental expenses of thirty-one light-ships, two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Buoyage: For expenses of raising, cleaning painting, repairing, re- Buoyage. moving, and supplying losses of buoys, spindles, and day-beacons and {og-chains, sinkers, and similar necessaries, three hundred thousand dollars. That the use of the balances of the appropriations for the service of Reappropriation. the Light-House Establishment made by the act of March third, eight- 1§,75· °h· 130- een hundred and seventy-five (Statutes, volume eighteen, page three 1 S°“t‘*378‘ hundred and seventy-eight), now remaining on the books of the department, not to exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, is hereby reappropriated to pay for certain expenditures made by officers of the light house service in connection with the International Exhibition of eighteen hundred and seventy-six. Fogsignals: For repairs and incidental expen es in renewing, relit- Fog-signals. ting, and improving fog-signals and buildings connected therewith, forty thousand dollars. Inspecting lights: For expenses of visiting and inspecting lights and I n s p e c t i ¤ g other aids to navigation, including rewards paid for information as to 1*8*1** collisions, four thousand dollars. Supplies of light-houses: For supplying the lighthouse , beacon- Supplies. lights, and fog-signals on the Atlantic, Gulf, Lake, and Pacitlc coasts with illuminating and cleansing materials, and such other materials as may be required for annual consumption, including the expenses of inspection and delivery of the same; for books for light-stations, and other incidental and necessary expenses, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Repairs of light-houses: For repairs and incidental expense of light Repairs. houses; for rentting and improving the same, and buildings connected therewith; and for the purchase and repair of illuminating apparatus and machinery, two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. Lighting and buoyage: For maintenance of lights and buoys on the _Mississippi, ctc., Milssissippi, Ohio, and Missouri Rivers, one hundred and forty thousand ¤V°*'¤- do lars. Commissions to superintendents of lights: For commissions to col- Commissions to lectors of customs acting as superintendents of lights, being for dis- z)>“€°*°¥¤ °f °“¤‘ bursements to be made by them for the Light»House Establishment "‘“‘