Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/257

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232 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 359. 1878. west of ninety-sixth meridian, nine days service, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy three, and prior years, seventy-two dollars. C. P. Barrett. To pay to Charles. P. Birkett the sum of thirty two thousand tive Jsqwazcd, hundred and five dollars and seventy-one cents, to reimburse the said P<>8*»396· Birkett, late United States Indian agent, for amount expended by him for the benefit of the Indians at Ponca agency, Dakota. C- T- Stump- To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay C. T. Stump for services as assistant marshal in taking the ninth census, fifty-one dollars and ninety cents. Sarah M. Craw- To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay to Mrs Sarah M. Crawf°“]· ford, widow of William M. Crawford, deceased, forty-four dollars and thirty-four cents, for taking ninth census, as assistant marshal. `G_ri st-mill on That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized to 3;*;:;; Mllth '°S°*· use the sum of five thousand dollars, appropriated by the act approved 1877; 0h_ 101, March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, lor the erection of a 19 s,mt,,29g_ grist-mill in connection with the present saw-mill on the \Vhitc Earth reservation, Minnesota, in the erection of a grist-mill at such other location on said reservation as may be most suitable, or in the purchase of a portable saw and grist mill combined, for use thereon, if the same _ be practicable and for the best interests of the Indians. fGi°:*l9"“l °°“”°’1 For holding general council of the Indians of the Indian Territory for ° u ‘°’"°‘ the fiscal years eighteen hundred and seventyflve and eighteen hundred and seventy-six, under provisions of the treaties with the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, seven thousand five hundred and eighty-one dollars and twenty cents. Cvmmh 8*0** *0 That the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized to ap· };3d;:£“;1"‘:,';f,1n*S;P°°' point a commission consisting of three persons to visit the Red Cloud A,,p,.,,p,m,,,,}_ and Spotted Tail Indians, to confer with them about their permanent location, with a view to their hnal settlement where they can earn their support by agriculture and stock-raising; and that the sum of five thousand dollars be set apart out of funds already appropriated by the 1s7s,c11, 142, act approved May twenty-seventh eighteen hundred and seventy eight, Ante, p. 80. for defraying the expenses of said commission; and further that the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to use so much of the sum therein set apart for their removal and settlement as may be necessary to secure their consent to accept such locations as the said commission P*‘°*’**°· may approve: Provided, The sum so expended shall not exceed forty thousand dollars. C<>¤¤¤9i¤¤i<>¤ to For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be exg1:;d{)“d‘“““ °f C°1‘ pended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior in defraying ' the expenses of a commission to negotiate with the Ute Indians in Colorado, with the view of their removal to such location in the northern part of the State of Colorado as may be determined upon, and for the relinquishment of such part of their present reservation as may be agreed upon, six thousand dollars. R<>¤*<>V¥·l of UM That the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be

 ’g,EQ,‘;;‘“ S °f necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of the removal ot'

` the band of Ute Indians at Cimarron, New Mexico, to the reservation of that tribe in Colorado; and also to remove the band of Apaches at the same place to the Mescalero Apache reservation at Fort Stanton, New Mexico; and the President shall cause the removal of said Indians Rationa stopped. within thirty days after the passage of this act; and therafter no rations or annuities shall be issued to said Indians except at the agencies of their respective reservations. Rqmgvaluf Um To enable the Secretary of the Interior to remove the Ute Indians of White River. from the present reservation on the White River, Colorado, to a more suitable location, where agriculture can be pursued, and the erection of suitable buildings for such new location, ten thousand dollars. BL. Simpson. lhat the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, upon the passage of this act, to ll. L. Simpson, or his assigns, from money appropriated and due to the Miami tribe of Indians