Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/325

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BOO FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. S7. 187 9. Ccufederntcd For last of twenty installments, for pay and subsistence of one phy- "“’€“ m O'°8°“# sician, one sawyer, one miller, one superintendent of farming operations, °°“mm°d‘ and one school-teacher, per fourth article of same treaty, five thousand one hundred dollars; _ _ _ For last of twenty installments, for purchasing and keeping in repair all necessary mill fixtures, mechanics’ tools, medicine and hospital stores, books and stationery for schools, and furniture for employees, per fourth article, same treaty, five hundred dollars; _ For last of twenty installments, for salary of the head chief of said coufederated bands, per same article and treaty, five hundred dollars;. in all, eight thousand one hundred dollars. cnmaxs. Creeks. For permanent annuity, in money, per fourth article of treaty of Au- 7 Sgetw 30- gust seventh, seventeen hundred and ninety, and fifth article of treaty H °°‘"‘* '00‘ of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one thousand tive hundred dollars; 7 Stat., 69. For permanent annuity, in money, per second article of treaty of June U Stat-- 700- sixteenth, eighteen hundred and two, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, three thousand dollars; 7 Stat., 287. For permanent annuity, in money, per tomth article of treaty of Jan- U $*3*-» 700- nary twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty thousand dollars; For permanent annuity for blacksmith and assistant, and for shop and tools, per eighth article of treaty of January twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eight hundred and forty dollars; For permanent annuity for iron and steel for shop, per same articles. and treaties, two hundred and seventy dollars; For perinancntannuit y for the pay of a. wheelwright, per same articles of same treaties, six hundred dollars; For five per ccntum interest on two hundred thousand dollars, for purposes of education, per sixth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, ten thousand dollars; 14 Stat., 786. For interest on six hundred and seventy-tive thousand one hundred and sixtyeight dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, under provisions of third article of treaty of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, thirty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty cents; in all, sixtynine thousand nine hundred and sixty- eight dollars and forty cents. cROWs. Crows. For eleventh of thirty installments, to supply male persons, six hun- 15 Stat-: 051- dred in number, over fourteen years of age, with a suit of good substantial woolen clothing, consisting of a. coat, hat, pantaloons, flannel shirt, and woolen socks, as per ninth article of treaty of May seventh, eighteenhundred and sixty-eight, eight thousand dollars; For eleventh ot thirty installments, to supply each female, seven hundred in number, over twelve years of age, with a flannel skirt, or the , goods necessary to make the same, a pair of woolen hose, twelve yards , of calico, and twelve yards of cotton domestic, as per same article, six i thousand dollars; For eleventh of thirty installments, to supply three hundred and fifty boys and three hundred and iitty girls, under the ages named, such flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make each a suit as aforesaid, together with a pair of woolen hose for each, per same article, five thousand dollars; For pay of a physician, per tenth article of same treaty, one thousand two hundred dollars;