Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/454

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FORTV-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 184. 1879. 429 From Tuscon, via Empire Rancho Huachucan, to Tombstone Arizona, oop- From Gila Bend, via Phoenix, to McDowell. ti¤¤¤d· From McDowell, via Tampo to Picket Post From Tres. Alamos to Riverside. From Xavass Agency to Mineral Springs From Clifton to Saint Joseph. From Clifton, via Salt River to Camp McDowell. C From Colton, via San Bernardino, Tecopa and Ivanpah to Mohave ity. From Gila Bend, via Vulture Mine, Antclope and People’s Valley, to Prescott.


From Mount Ida, via Mayberry Springs a11d Love, to Hot Springs From Wasliington via Arnold’s Mills, Wliite Oak Church and Garland, to Prescott. From Clarksville to Prairie View From Bloomfield, via Wrightsburg to Mayesville. FlFrom Powhatan, via Dent’s, Higgenbothom’s and Opposition, to Ash at. From Benton, via Samuel Gentry’s, J Hutchinson’s and Whittington to Hot Springs. From Benton, via Isaac Harrison’s, Owensville, J. H. Bradtield’s, and Thompson Glenn’s, to Cedar Glades. From Harrison to Lead Hill. From Berryvillc to Burlington From Hampton, via Little Bay and Tremont, to Eldorado. From Marianna, via Askew, Park Place and Vifalnut Bend, to Council Bend From Murfreesboro, via Royston, J oel Reed’s and John Wagners, to Amity From Traskwood, via Fair Play, Zeiglers, and Harrison’s to Whittington. From Conway to Jacksonville . From Oceola, via William’s School House, Mill Bayou, and Clear Lake to Chickasawba _ From Mountainburg, via Robert Dyers, John Harris’ and James Mullen’s to Saint Paul. From YVarren via Como, to Princeton From Monticello, via Bakers and Cotham’s School House, to Troy From McGavock to Pecan Point. Fr·om Berryville Arkansas, via Beavers Ferry on White River, Mossman’s Mills, Head of Buster’s Creek, to Washburn Missouri. From Lonoke to Austin Station From Prescott, via Garland and Arnold’s Mill to Hempstead. From Morrison’s Bluff, via` Prairie View and Shoal Creek to Danville From Ozark to War Eagle From Minturn to Clover From Canton to Prairieville From Hackett City to Poteau. From Evening Shade to J ones’ Mill From Dover to Rally Hill From Mountain Home, via Big Flat to Locust Grove. CALIFORNIA, California. From Sulpher Creek to Elk Creek . From Chico, California, via Prattville, Greenville Taylorsville, Red Cloud and Summit, to Reno, Nevado. From Kings, via Squaw Valley, Mill Creek, Badger Camp Townsend’s to Visalia. From Centerville to Squaw Valley.