Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/503

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478 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 195. 1879. _R¤iiW¤5’ °0mP¤· The Superintendent of Census shall require and obtain from every railm°°· road corporation, or the lessee or receiver thereof, the following facts, to exhibit the condition of such corporation, and the condition, characteristics, and operations of the railroad or railroads owned or controlled by such corporation, or the lessee or receiver thereof, on the first of June of the year eighteen hundred and eighty, to wit: The name of the corporation or company, with the corporate names of all leased lines; the number of miles projected or authorized by law or charter, with the several terminal points of the same; the number of miles completed, exhibiting separately the length of lines within each State; the number of miles operated during the last complete fiscal year preceding June first, eighteen hundred and eighty; the capital stock allowed by law or charter, and the amount paid up; the amount of funded and of unfunded debt, with period of funded debt, and rate of interest thereon, and the amount of all sinking funds provided for the redemption of such debts; the number of acres of land derived from public grants remaining unsold; the total cost of construction, of equipment, and of all permanent investments, including the cost of purchase of other lines of road and of telegraph lines; the amount and character of rolling stock; the number and class of employees; the receipts of such corporation or company for the last complete fiscal year preceding June first, eighteen hundred and eighty, exhibiting separately the earnings from through freight, from local freight, from passengers, from expresses, and from mails; the expenses of such corporation or company for said fiscal year, exhibiting separately the amount paid for salaries and wages, for fuel, for national, State, and mimicipal taxes, for interest on bonds and other debts, for dividends, for repairs for damage to freight and personal injuries; also, the operations of said fiscal year, including mileage of freight, of passenger, and of construction and repair trains separately, the number of passengers carried, and the amount and class of freight transported each way; also, the number, character, and, so far as ascer- ` tained, the cause of all casualties by which life was lost, which occurred upon or within the trains, the tracks, or the buildings of said corporation or company during said nscal year, and the extent of injury to lite and limb resulting therefrom; also the terms of all agreements and contracts by which sleeping cars, palace and parlor cars, so called, express cars, and ears of transportation companies, not identical with the corporation or company making the return herein required, are run upon such road or roads, and the extent of such service, and Express comps- the amount of all receipts therefrom during the said fiscal year. The Su- ¤i¢¤· perintendent of the Census shall require and obtain from the owners, proprietors, or managers of every incorporated express company the following facts to wit: Name of corporation or company; capital paid up; total capital stock, and to what extent the same has been watered, and how often corners have been made on such watered stock; length of lines in miles; whether the business is conducted by rail, vessel, or otherwise; total amount paid to railroads or vessels for use of line or lines; number of officers, number of persons cngagcdin general administration; number of agents and messengers· total receipts, total ex- .. penditures, exhibiting separately amount paid for salaries, for repairs Telegraph com- and for general expenses. He shall also in like manner require and panics- obtain, from the owners, proprietors, or managers of every telegraph company, the following facts to wit: Name of corporation or company; terminal points connected; capital and capital paid up; length of lines in miles; miles of wire; number of officers; number of persons engaged in general administration- number of persons engaged as telegraph-operators; the number of messages transmitted by officers of the United States; the number of messages transmitted for the press; the number of messages transmitted fer private parties; total number of messages transmitted; total receipts from messages; total expenditures of the company, exhibiting separately the amount expended for