Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/601

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576 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 298, 299. 1878. Domini eighteen hundred and forty-eight, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section seven, in township eighty-one north, range four east of the fifth principal meridian, in Clinton County, Iowa; and Whereas said John M. Knott soon thereafter entered into possession and occupancy of said land, and has continued to occupy said land through his grantees to the present; and Whereas said application through mistake described the land as being in range three east, instead of four east; and Whereas the Department of the Interior, under letter dated February nineteenth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-six, has decided that said land, in range four, is within the limits of the Iowa Central Air Line (now the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River) Railroad, and that the said tract of land inured to said road by virtue of the grant of land to the railroad aforesaid, under the act of Congress approved May fifteenth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-six; and Wliereas the said Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad, by deed dated November seventeenth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-six, now on tile in the General Land Office, has released and surrendered, into the United States, all the right and claim said company now has, or may acquire, to the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section seven, township eighty-one north, range four east of the fifth principal meridian, upon the express condition that the United States will issue a patent unto the said John M. Knott for said land last described, to the end that his said grantees may be protected in their rights: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United J. M. Knott. States of America in Congress assembled, That the deed to the United _ L¤¤<1-e¤¤¤¤i= tv States from the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad to said land ‘"“° *°· be accepted, and that a patent issue to the said John M. Knott for the same. Approved, June 18, 1878. June gg, 1878. CHAP. 299.—·An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay Mary Fearon _1_-.. and Jessie Crossin, executcces of Samuel P. Fesron, deceased, for certain registered United States bonds redeemed by the government on forged assignments and POWBI of8lbt0l`D€y. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Mary Fearon, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Jessie Crossiu. ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any P“Y'“°”‘*°· moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Mary Fearon and Jessie Crossin, as cxecutrices of Samuel P. Fearon, deceased, late of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or to the legal personal representatives of said Samuel P. Fearon, deceased, the sum of four thousand dollars, with the lawful interest which would have accrued thereon from the date of the last payment of interest to thelegal personal representatives of said Samuel P. Fearon, deceased, upon the iollowing certificates of registered stock of the United States, redeemed or assigned upon forged power of attorney and forged assignment, to wit: number two thousand 1864, cu. 17, and eighty-one, act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, 13 Stat., 13. for one thousand dollars, and numbers three thousand four hundred and twenty-four, three thousand four hundred and twentyfive, three thousand four hundred and twenty-six, three thousand four hundred and twenty- seven, three thousand four hundred and twentyeight, and three thousand 1g6g_ Cb_ 3;;, four hundred and twenty-nine, act of February twenty-third, eighteen 12 Stat., 345. hundred and sixty-two, for five hundred dollars each, the property of said estate; the said payment of principal and interest to be made according to the terms and stipulations of the said original certificates. Approved, June 18, 1878.