Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/615

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590 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 7, 13, 14. 1878—’79. Duplicetebonde ury is hereby directed to issue duplicates of the hereinafter described bonds of the United States, alleged to have been stolen from the Man— hattan Savings Institution of New York City, on the twenty-seventh of October, eighteen hundred, and seventy-eight, upon evidence clear and Conditions. satisfactory to him being furnished that they have not been assigned, but are still the property of said institution, and upon the condition that a sufficient number of these duplicate bonds be issued to the Treasurer of the United States in trust for the said Manhattan Savings Institution, to be by him held for such time as, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Treasury, will secure the Treasurer of the United States against loss. List of bonds. The bonds are described as follows: Registered bonds numbers thirteen thousand four hundred and eighty-six to thirteen thousand four hundred and ninety-tive inclusive, for ten thousand dollars each, and numbers one hundred and sixty-five, one hundred and sixty-six, six hundred and forty-three to six hundred and forty-six inclusive, and seven hundred and thirty-seven and seven hundred and thirty-eight, for fifty thousand dollars each, acts of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and January twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, five per centum interest, amounting to nve hundred thousand dollars, standing in the name of “Manhattan Savings Institution New York." Registered bonds numbers nine thousand two hundred and seventy-six to nine thousand two hundred and ninety-five inclusive, for ten thousand dollars each, acts of July seventeenth and August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, amounting to two hundred thousand dollars, standing in the name of “The Manhattan Savings Institution, New York." Registered bonds numbers eight thousand seven hundred and forty- four to eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-three inclusive, and numbers eighteen thousand nine hundred and three to eighteen thousand nine hundred and forty-two inclusive, for ten thousand dollars each, act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four,ten-forties,amo1mt—_ ing to six hundred _ thousand dollars, standing in the name of “The Manhattan Savings Institution." Registered bonds numbers one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one to two thousand inclusive, for ten thousand dollars each, acts July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and January twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, four per centum interest, consols of nineteen hundred and seven, amounting to three hundred thousand dollars, standing in the name of “Manhattan Savings Institution of New York." Approved, December 19, 1878. Jan. 13, 1879. CHAP. 13.-An act for the relief of James W. Richard and J. S. Brown and Brother, -————-—-——·——— of Denver, Colorado. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United J. W. Richard, States of America in Congress assembled, That there be appropriated the ·{,·¤§h1g’°‘*" “” *1 sum of five thousand and twenty-four dollars, to be paid out of any money ·in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, to pay James W. Richard and J. S. Brown and Brother, of the city of Denver, Payment for county of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, for flour delivered by said

  • 10*1*- last·named parties to the Los Pinos Indian agency in Colorado, during

the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five; that the same be paid under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, January 13, 1879. Jan. 13, 1879. CHAP. 14.—An act to remove the political disabilities of Manning M. Kimmell, late —-————-—~———— of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United M- M; Kimmel]; States of America in Congress assembled, (two-thirds of each House eoneur· ,t,£°;’l1};;;g;gl,““b‘l‘ ring therein) That all political disabilities imposed upon Manning M. ' Kimmell, late of Cape Girardeau County Missouri, by the fourteenth