Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/671

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646 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 287. 1879. Claims allowed To Abner W. Lanier, six hundred dollars. W “°°““*'“¥¥ Pm' To Jackson P. Lewis, two hundred and eighty three dollars and fifty cerstopersons1n—- cents- ,,gf§,'f°“°°°* °°°' To Samuel R. McAlexander, three hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents. To Harry Moore, one hundred and fifty dollars. To John McCallie, four hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents. To J. M. Macpherson, five hundred and forty dollars. To John Maley, executor of Samuel Green, deceased, seventy dollars. To James Moore, one hundred and twenty Eve dollars. To Henry Miller, eighty four dollars. To Moses Miller, one hundred dollars. To Lewis McDaniel, seven hundred and seventy five dollars. To Abner Moore, one hundred and seventy three dollars. To F. O. McNeilly, administrator of Duncan L Matlock, deceased, one hundred and twenty dollars. To Samuel T. Motley, one thousand two hundred and ninety dollars. To Benjamin F. Martin, one thousand three hundred and ninety ive dollars. To M. L. Montgomery, executor of Martin B. Shelton, deceased, one hundred and thirty five dollars. To F. N. Maclin, administrator of E. T. Taylor, deceased, one hundred and thirty five dollars. To Robert Mcllntyre, in right of his wife, Elizabeth McIntyre, one hundred and four dollars. To J. B. McCr0ry, one hundred and fifteen dollars. To S. A. McCollum, eight hundred dollars. To William Murphy, two hundred and twenty nve dollars. To James McWilliams, six hundred and twenty two dollars and fifty cents. · To A. J. Mason five hundred and thirty nine dollars. To William R. Miller, three hundred and fifty dollars. To John B. McEwen, executor of Lemuel Farmer, deceased, nine hundred and ninety five dollars and thirty five cents. To Archibald. G. Moore, three hundred dollars. To Stephen H. Morris one hundred and thirty five dollars. To W. H. McGinnis, five hundred and fifty dollars. To the estate of L. L. Matthews, eight hundred and two dollars and thirty cents. To G. W. Mabry, three hundred and twenty five dollars. To Edwin H. McGowan, one hundred and fifty dollars. To M. B. N arramore, two hundred and fifty five dollars. - To Wade H. Newman, one hundred and eighty eight doHars and fifty cents. To Francis H Norman, one hundred and thirty seven dollars. To Matthew Nevill, nine hundred and twenty seven dollars and fifty cents. To George W. N ewbern, one hundred and forty two dollars and fifty cents. To William Nichol, five thousand me hundred and nfty two dollars and sixty two cents. To Ozment Thomas, eighty three dollars and eighty cents. To R. E. Ozburn, one hundred and twenty dollars. To William H. Powell, one hundred and seventy three dollars and seventy live cents. To John Parker, administrator of Alfred Parker, deceased, fifty six dollars and twenty five cents. To Thomas F. Perkins, one thousand and fifty dollars. To Allen Parker, administrator of Elisha Parker, deceased, five hundred and seventy five dollars and thirty seven cents. To J. C. Pickett, one hundred and fifteen dollars.