Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/678

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 288. 1879. 653 To Benjamin F. Mills, one hmidred and seventy-five dollars and fifty Claims allowed cents_ by elauns comn1is— fre solemn Miller, administrator or mix Mareiieii, acmsed, for me “‘°““°P°”°”°’*‘— use and benefit of Ashley and John A. Mitchell, heirs of Felix Mitchell, tinA£f1“S“S* °°“` deceased, seven hundred and forty-five dollars., ` To Lewis B. Moore, three hundred and thirty dollars. To J. YV. M. Murphy, two hundred dollars. To George W. Nicholds, one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and eighty cents. To Laura E. O’Connor, nine hundred and ninety-two dollars. To Latina Pounds, six hundred and seventy-three dollars. To William S. Privett, seventy-tive dollars. To Armistead Scott, one hundred dollars. To Barnhard Scheppe, three hundred and fifty dollars. _ To Charles G. Scott, administrator of John Drennen, deceased, for the use and benent of Charles H. and \Villiam N. Drennen, two hundred dollars. To John Storms, two hundred and seventy dollars. To James H. Tayler, three hundred and ninetyhve dollars. To Ale Todd, five hundred and fifty dollars. To Thomas J. Tucker, two hundred and five dollars. To \Villiam E. Vines, two hundred dollars. To Caselton Ward, five hundred and sixty—four dollars. To Francis M. \Vard, six hundred and sixty dollars. To Joseph Ward, seven hundred and twenty dollars. To J Ollll Wear, one hundred and twentyfour dollars. To Andrew J. WVehb, three hundred dollars. To Allen C. Williams, tour hundred and thirty-five dollars. . OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. Florida. To James R. Lee, tour hundred and ninety-six dollars. To Jane Pepino, widow of George Pepino, one hundred and twenty- five dollars. To Christian Petry, two hundred dollars To the legal representatives of Emily Southwick, deceased, late of Saint J ohn’s County, Florida, one thousand dollars To Susan Waters, six hundred and fifty dollars. To Travis Waters, one hundred and iilty dollars. OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Georgia. To John Addington, eighty-nine dollars. To Samuel Aikin, one hundred and thirty-ive dollars. To Nedorn L. Angler, two thousand dollars. To Nicholas H. Bacon, six hundred and one dollars. To John Baggs, one hundred and twenty-ive dollars. To Alexander Baker, three hundred and ninety-Eve dollars. To Nathaniel Baxter, six hundred and fifty-five dollars. To Richard Beal, two hundred and forty-one dollars. To Mary Bean, one hundred dollars. To Fannie Bence, eighty-eight dollars. To Freeman Bennett,_one hundred and fifty dollars To Henry K. Bennett, four hundred and twenty dollars. To Albert Berrien, six hundred and twenty dollars. To John Berryhill, Eve hundred and thirty-nine dollars. To Abram D. Binion, three hundred and twenty dollars. To Thomas Bird, senior, three thousand four hundred dollars. To Alexander Bishop, five hundred and eightytwo dollars. To Isaiah C. Brand, one hundred and nity-seven dollars and fifty cents. To Frances Brown, seventy-seven dollars.