Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/715

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690 CO>TVENTION-ITALY. MAE0H 31 Aim APRIL 20, 1877. $is¤¤¢¤¤=¤· Done in duplicate and signed in Fatta in doppio originale e tir- Washingtou on the thirty iirst day meta a Washington il trent-uno of March, in the year of our Lord giorno di Marzo, del1’anno del one thousand eight hundred and nostro Signore milleottocentosetseventy-seven, and in Florence on tantasette, e a Firenze il venti the twentieth day of April, in the Aprile dell’anno del nostro Signore year of our Lord one thousand eight milleottocentosettantasette. hundred and seventy seven. D. M. KEY, G. BARBAVARA, Postmaster- General of the United Direttore Generalc delle Poste Itali- States. ana. [SEAL OF THE 1>oST-oF1HOE DEPAET- [SEAL OF THE POST·0FFICE DEPART- MENT on THE UNITED STATES.] IHBNT OF THEKINGDOM 01-* ITALY.] I hereby approve the foregoing convention, and in testimony thereof Approval. I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto aflixed. _ [SEAL on THE UNITED sTATES.] R. B. HAYES. By the President: Wm. M. Evmrs, Secretary of Stale. WASHINGTON, May 8, 1877.