Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/747

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722 OONVENTION—WVEIGHTS AND MEASURES. MAY 20, 1875. C<>1§¤1>¤§¤ti¢>¤ vf The sum of the products thus ob- La somme des produits ainsi ob· €9“*”:,b“*‘°“*¤°°“‘ tained will furnish the number of tenus fournira le nombre d’un1tes mug ‘ units by which the total expense is par lequel la dépense totale devra to be divided. The quotient will etre divisée. Le quotient donnera give the amount of the unit of ex- le montant de l’unite de dépense. pense. Anrrcrn 21. Aurronn 21. C¤mD¤§§*i€¤¤ of The expense of constructing the Les frais de confection des proto-

’;E$H“;;’Otg;}f’If;*;"‘ international prototypes, and the types internationaux, ainsi que des

` standards and test copies which are étalons et temoins destiues ales acto accom ianv them shall be de- com a ner seront su i iortes iar I . _ 2 _ P S 2 __ Il I frayed by the high contracting par-p les llautes Parties contractantes ties in accordance with the scale d’apres l’cchelle etablic at Particle iixed in the toregoing article. precedent. The amounts to be paid for the Les frais de comparaison et dc comparison and verification of verification des etalons demandcs standards required by states not par des Etats qui nc participeraicnt represented at this convention shall pas at la présente Convention, seront be regulated by the committee in regles par lc Comite coniormenient conformity with the rates iixed in aux taxes nxées en vertu de Parthirtue of article 15 of the regula- cle 15 du 1{eglement. tions. Anrronn 22. Anrrorn 22. Fof<=<> Mid <=iY¢>•¤*>· These regulations shall have the Le present lieglement aura same force and value as the con- meme three et valeur que la Convention to which they are annexed. vention laquelle il est aimexe. (Signed) Signatures. GE. B. WAsnnUnm~:. E. B. XVASHBURNE. Honnnronn. llonnxnoun. Arroxvr. Arroxrr. Bicrnxs. Bnvicxs. Vrscomvr D’ITAJUBA. Vrsconyr DTTAJUBA. M. BALCARGE. M. BALcAncn. lllorrxn-Hvrrrnrnr. Liorrmc-Ilvrrivnrnr. MAnqU1s Dr: Monms. MAnqU1s D12 Momns. Ciinros IBAXEZ. Cinros Imimz. DncAzns. Dicclzns. C. Dn MEAUX. U. Dn MEAUX. EUMAS. Drums. YIGRA. N1G1:A. P. GALvr;z. P. UALVEZ. F1:An’co Dr: Rrvmzo. FRAN’CO Dn Rrviano. Josn DA SILVA Mnumzs LEAL. J osn DA SrLvA Mnxmcs LEAL. Oxouivnrr. Onouxnrr. For M. le BAnoN Anizrswimn, (prevented.) Pour M. le BARON ADELSVVXRD, (empeché.) H. AKERMAN. H. Axnizmu. KERN. Kmw. EUXNY. Hcsmr. . cos·rA. E. AcosrA. Appendix N0. 2. Annexe No. S2. 2 'ljmusim mgu- rumsrnnr rnovrsrons. DISPOS}Tl0F§ TRANSI- lations. lOl1J2S. A.Rrr1cL12: 1. Antrrcma 1. Prutvtypcs to All states which were represented Tous les Etats qui étaient repre— States represented · · » ~ · - · in convention of at the international meter_ com- sentes a la Commission inter- 1872. mission which met at Paris, in nationale du metre reunie a Paris 18:2, whether they are contracting en ,1872, qu’ils soient ou non parties to the present convention parties contractantes at la présentc or not, shall receive the prototypes Convention, recevront les protothat they may have ordered, which types qu’i1s auront commandés, et