Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/785

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760 CONVENTlON—UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. Cvnmwrciul im- moderation de port consacrée par as such to the reduced postage sane P°”» °°“*l“"°d· Particle 5 de la Convention, toutes tioned by Article 5 of the Convenles pieces et tous les documents, tion, viz: All instruments or docuecrits ou dessines en tout ou en ments written or drawn wholly or partie a la main, qui n’ont pas le partly by hand, which have not the caractere d’une correspondance ae- character of an actual and personal tnelle et pcrsonnclle, tels que les correspondence, such as papers of pieces de procedure, les actes de legal procedure, deeds of all kinds tout genre dresses par les officiers drawn up by public functionaries, ministeriels, les lettres de voiture way bills or bills of lading, invoices, ou connaisscments, les factures, les the various documents of insurance ` difterents documents de service des companies, copies or extracts of compagnies d’assurance, les copies deeds under private seal written on ou extraits d’actes sous seing prive stamped or unstampcd paper, scores ecrits sur papier timbre ou non tim- or sheets of manuscript music, manbre, les partitions ou feuilles de uscripts of works torwarded sepmusique manuscrites, les manuscrits arately, Src. d’ouvrages expedies isolement, etc. 2. Les papiers d’affaires doivent 2. Commercial papers must be etre envoyés sous bande ou dans forwarded underband or in an open une enveloppe ouverte. envelope. XVII. XVII. Imprlmés de tonte nature. Printed matter of all kinds. Printed matter. 1. Sont consideres comme im- 1. The following are considered primes et admis comme tels a la as printed matter, and admitted as moderation de port consacree par such to the reduced postage sancl’article 5 de la Convention, les tioned by Article 5 of the Convenjournaux et ouvrages périodiques, tion, viz: Newspapers and periodiles livres broches on relies, les bro- cal works, books stitched or bound, chures, les papiers de musique, les pamphlets, sheets of music, visitingcartes de visite, les cartes-adresses, cards, address cards, proofs of printles epreuves d’imprimerie avec ou ing, withorwithout the manuscripts sans les manuscrits s’y rapportant, relating thereto, engravings, photoles gravures, les photographies, graphs, drawings, plans, geographles dessins, plans, cartes geogra— ical maps, catalogues, prospectuses, phiques, catalogues, prospectus, announcements and notices of vaannonces et avis divers, imprimes, rious kinds, whether printed, engraves, lithographies ou autogra- graved, or lithographed, and, in phies, et, en general, toutes les general, all impressions or copies impressions ou reproductions ob- obtained upon paper, parchment, or tenues sur papier, sur parchemin card-board, by means of printing, ou sur carton, au moyen de la typo- hthographing, or any other megraphie, de la lithographic ou de chanical process easy to recognize, tout autre procede mecanique facile except the copying-press. at reconnaitre, hormis le decalque. 2. Sont cxclus de la moderation 2. Thefollowing are excludedfrom de port, les timbres ou formules the reduced postage, viz: Stamps diaftranclnssement,obliteresounon, or forms of prepayment, whether ainsi que tous imprimes constituant obliterated or not, as well as all le signe representatif d’une valeur. printed articles constituting the representative sign of a monetary value. 3. Le caractere de correspondance 3. The character of actual and actuelle et personnelle ne peut pas personal correspondence cannot be etreattribue aux indications ci- ascribed to the following, viz: apres, savoirz lf A la signature de Penvoyeur lst. To the signatureof the sender ou a la designation de son nom_ou or to the designation of his name, de sa raison sociale, de sa qualite, of his profession, of his rank, of the