Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/81

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56 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 91,95,96. 1878. drum-major, one thousand and eighty dollars; fifty iirst sergeants, sixteen thousand two hundred dollars; one hundred and forty sergeants, thirty-one thousand five hundred and sixty dollars; ono hundred and eighty corporals, thirty-tive thousand four hundred dollars; thirty musicians, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six dollars; ninety-six drummers and filers, seventeen thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dollars; one thousand five hundred privates, two hundred and seventy thou and dollars; ten clerks and two messengers, ten thousand dollars; payments to discharged soldiers lor clothing nndrawn, fifteen thousand dollars; transportation of officers traveling without troops, five thousand dollars; in all, six hundred and fourteen thousand eight hundred and fifteeu dollars. Pfovi iolw- For provisions, seventy-eight thousand dollars. Ciotliiiig- For clothing, sixty thousand dollars. Fool- For fuel, twenty thousand dollars. Mi1it==¤‘y¤l>o¤‘o¤· For military stcres, namely: For pay of mechanics, repair of arms, purchase of accouterments, ordnance stores, flags, drums, files, and other instruments, five thousand dollars. Transportation For transportation of troops and for expenses of recruiting, five thou- °f ”°°P°· sand dollars. Bhrracks Md For repairs of barracks, and rent of offices where there are no public '°“* °f °m°°“· buildings, eight thousand dollars. Forage- For iorage for public horses and horses belonging to lield and stall officers, four thousand dollars. Him or quarters. For rent of quarters for officers where there are no public buildings, fourteen thousand dollars. ' Contingent ex- For contingencies, namely: Freight; ferriage; toll; cartage; wharti P°“°°"- age; purchase and repair of boats; labor; burial of deceased marines; stationery; telegraphing; apprehension of deserters; oil, candles, gas; repairs of gas and water fixtures; water-rent; barrack-furniture; furniture for officers’ quarters; bedsacks; wrapping-paper; oil-cloth; crash; rope; twine; spades; shovels; axes; picks; carpenters’ tools; repairs to fire-engines; purchase and repair of engine-hose; purchase of lumber for benches, mess-tables, bunks; purchase and repair of harness; purchase and repair of hand carts and wheel-barrows; scavengering; purchase and repair of galleys, cooking-stoves, ranges, stoves where there are no grates; gravel for parade-grounds; repair of pumps; brushes; brooms; buckets; paving; and for other purposes, twenty thousand dollars. Approved, May 4, 1878. M3? 6s 1878- CHAP. 95.-Au act making an appropriation for pier-lights at the entrance of the ` " """'*" jetties in the South Pass of the Mississippi River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _Al*P1‘QvFi¤·l·i¤¤; States of America. in Congress assembled, That the sum of ten thousand ggstzgsghog g,,;? dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in smippi Rm,,._ the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, lor the erection and maintenance of pier lights, under the direction of the Light-House Board, at the entrance of the jetties in the South Pass of the Mississippi River. Approved, May 6, 1878. May 7, 1878, CHAP. 96.-An act to alter and amend the act entitled "An act to aid in the cou- -—-·—-—-—-——— struction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacilic Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes ", approved July iirst, eighteen hundred and sixty~two, and also to alter and amend the act of Congress approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty—iour, in amendment of said iirst-named act. Preamble. Whereas, on the first day of July, anno Domini eighteen hundred and 1862.ob-120- sixty-two, Congress passed an act entitled “An act to aid in the con- 12 S"‘°·•48°· struction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to