Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/837

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Anderson, Silas,
payment to 628
Anderson, William,
payment to 661
Andrers, Alfred,
payment to 658
Andrews, Casvell,
payment to 656
Andrews, Elias,
payment to 661
Andrews, John F.,
credits in accounts of. 570
Andrews, John G.,
payment to 656
Andrews, John M.,
payment to 658
Andrews, William, administrator,
payment to 515
Angerer, Frank,
payment to 238
Angier, E. A., administrator,
payment to 554
Angier, Nedorn L.,
payment to 653
Angle, Amos,
pension to 621
Angle, Rebecca,
payment to 551
Anita Rock, Cal.,
appropriation for day-beacon on 215
Ankeney, J. C.,
payment to 631
Annapolis, Md.,
examination and survey of bars at entrance of harbor of 161
naval hospital at, discontinued 53
remains of officers and others lost by wreck of Huron may be removed to naval cemetery at 14
Annis, Ann,
payment to 606
Annual Reports, see Reports.
Annual Statutes,
appropriation for editing, etc. 184
Annuity Goods,
appropriations for. 66, 297
diversion of 86, 316
report of, to Congress 87, 316
immediately available. 87, 316
when to be distributed 87, 316
Anthes, Peter,
payment to 637
appropriation for alterations, etc., of United States ship. 391
Anthony, John C.,
payment to 637
Anthony, Martha,
payment to 552
Anthony, Richard A., deceased,
payment to estate of 505
Anthony and Company,
payment to 123
certain copies of, may be imported free of duty; bond 99
Apache Indians,
appropriations for installment, etc., to 66, 297
for subsistence, etc., of 84 313
for deficiencies in. 414
of Arizona and New Mexico, not to be removed to Indian Territory. 313
rations to 232
Apalachicola Bay, Fla.,
examination and survey of 162
Apalachicola Rirer, Fla.,
appropriations for improvement of 153, 365
Apia, Samoan Islands,
judicial powers of United States consul at. 704
Apis, José and Pablo,
successors of, may file claim to La Iolla Rancho, California 593
not lialble to special tax for sale of wine, etc., used in medicines 334
for instructing the blind; publication and distribution. 467
Apparatus for Resection,
appropriations for. 223, 389
from supreme court of District of Columbia to Supreme Court, when allowed 321
Appleby vs. Primeaux,
appropriation for fees, etc., in 414
Appointments, Army,
to cease temnporarily, etc. ; proviso 151
Appomattor River, Va.,
appropriations for improvement of 152, 364
Appraisers' Stores,
appropriations for. 209
for deficiencies in 43
Appropriations, see also Deficiency Appropriations,
for legislative, executive, and judicial expenses 178
for military service 1, 145
for sundry civil expenses 206, 377
for consular and diplomatic service. 91, 267
for postal service 140, 355
for Military Academy 108, 260
for naval service 48, 234
for pensions 112, 469
transfer of certain, authorized 266, 267
for Indian service 63, 295
diversion of certain, authorized 86, 315
use of surplus for subsistence 315
for fortifications 31, 467
for river and harbor improvements 152, 363
for removal of remains of persons lost on steamer Huron, etc. 14
for law library for Dakota. 24
for Wyoming 25
for plans for Library of Congress 35
for revising index of new edition of Revised Statutes 37
for silver bullion for coinage 25
for portraits of deceased Senators and Representatives 24, 248, 355
for miscellaneous expenses of House 275
for expenses of committees of Senate and House 151, 152, 276
for extra pay to certain Senate and House employés 489
for investigating origin, etc., of epidemic diseases. 487
for expenses of international nonetary conference 25
for awards of Mexican Claims Commission. 144
for expenses of representation at Paris Exposition 246
for expenses of investigation of alleged frauds in Presidential election, etc. 177
for transportation of coin ; proviso 275
for arrears of pensions 469
for expenses of Hot Springs commission 258
for military post at El Paso, Tex. 281
for relief of poor of District of Columbia 250, 488
for expenses, etc., of National Board of Health 485
for relief of domestic mission, etc., of Southern Baptist Convention 282
for office of Auditor of Railroad Accounts. 170
for removing obstructions from Mississippi and other rivers 24
for improvement of Galveston Harbor 100