Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/846

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IN DEX. 82 1 1 0. , Balls, Thomas E., mg Boolh, John, Paw payment to . ... ..-. .. 558 payment to . ... . . 637 Bolton, A. L., Booth, Margaret, deceased, payment to . . . . . . 505 payment to estutc of .. . ... .. .. 632 Bolton, Gcorgc, Boom, Martha A., payment to .. . . . . 643 I puymont to .. 656 Bolton, Rosanna, g Booth, Ihplqh puymcut to . . . . . . . . . . 560 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 643 Bolton, William, Booth, William, pagrmcut to .. . . . . . 518 payment to .. .. . . 632 Bam ergcr, Joseph, Booth, William, administrator, pstjynncnt to . . 632 payment to .. . . . . 632 Bon , Booz, N. JZ, administrator, on export of tobacco, ctc., for drawback. . . 347 payment to . . . . .. 654 Bond, Abner, Boozer, Jacob M, payment {0 .. ... . .. . . . . . . 562 payment to . . . . .. 559 Bond, Benedict, Boron, Susan, pnymcnp to ·. · -...- . . . -..-· . .-... 502 payment to .- ..-- ------ -·-- · --·- - -... 658 Bonded Spmfs, Borland, Charles, collection of tax 011, on failure to withdraw payment to .. . . . . 120 Mid P¤·Y ----------· -- ----------...· 337 Bvvrly, William, deceased, Bcmdvd Warehouses, payment to estate of .. . . . . ... . 521 imported hquors in pipes, ctc., shall be Bossard, Samuel, placed in .. . . . . .. . . 342 payment to .. . . . ... . . 632 at Kansas City, M0. ; limit of cost, etc. ; up- Boston, Mass., pr0priation . . . . . . . . . .. 39 appropriation for in 01Hcc of assist- Banda, scc also Ojicial Banda, unt treasurer at .. . . 189 appropriations for transportation of govern- of experts in su gu1··dra»wbuck question ut . 9 _ m011b - 216, 383 for post-ofiico building :1,1: . . ,... ,,_, 210, 377 of cigar manufacturers, modified .. . . . . 347 for dgiiciqmcieg in ______ _ _____ _ _______ 43 of ¢11st»i1lcrs, shall be renewed in case of for custom-houso building at .. . . 210 death, ctc --.. ... . .. 337 for repairs at navy-yard at . . . .,,,,, :39] of roctificrs of distilled spirits, conditions, for improvement of harbor of. . 158, 371 etc., of ; penalty for failure to give, condemned cannon for soldiers’ monument ctc .. .. .. .. 341 to ... . . . . . , ,_,_ 325 of tobacco and suuif manufacturers, amount, Boston Lead Company, conditions, ctc.; penalty for ihilurc to i payment to ... . . . 122 give - . . . . . . 344 I Botanic Gardem, of United States, direct exchanges ot, nu- E appropriation for salaries, etc.,0f .. 182 thorizcd - .. .-.. .. .-.. .. 265 for repairs, ctc., of ., .. 226, 399 duplicate registered, to be issued to Mun- for deficiencies in .. . . ..., .,,, 12 huttzm Savings Institution .. 589 part of grounds of, may be taken for upto railways, interest paid by United States proaches to Capitol grounds .-.. 227 ou, to be retained out of amount duo Bouldin, Reuben, for transportation of Army .. ... . 44 payment to . . . . . . 650 0f District of Columbia, issue of certain, nu- Boundary-Linea, tlmrizcd; terms, ctc . . . 259 appropriation for surveying, ctc., between Bonita, Colorado and Utah. .. . . 228 payment for services of steamer . .. 225 of Maryland and Virginia, consent of Con- Bmmafma, J. A., gross to award of commission on 481 payment of judgment to. . 116 Bounfies and Allowances, Bonyaaion, A. P., appropriation forpayment of,undcr customs payment to .. . . . . . . . . 628 laws .. . . - ----- - ..-·· · · 128 Bonyuaion, 1(eaiah, Bounty, _ pu.ynu¤nt to .. . . . . . ... 628 appropriations for collechon, atc., oi, for col— Booker, Yelvcrton 0., ored soldiers and sailors . .. 222, 403 payment to . . . . . . . . . . 515 for doiicicncics in ... . .. . 11 Books, in payment of, to volunteers .. .. . 126, 423 appropriation for purchase of, for Library of for destruction of enemy’s vessels .. . 390 Congress , , . . . .._,...,. 182 of colored soldiers, ctc., how paul, ..,,, ,,,. 402 stvlc of binding, for ovcrnment . . 207 Bounty-Land Warrants, _ when, may be printcg and bound . 207 privileges as to use of, extended to certmn rule ug to binding, not to nppiy to library SC1*i£, GTG · . .. - -·--·-··-·---- 275 of Potent Officc . . . . 323 to Elisha ‘rank1in . . .. . . . ($27 of State Department . . . ... . 323 Bourgeois, Maximillian, F of Surgeon-G0n0rul’s Officc . .. . . 267 payment . .. . . . . . . 6o6 may be bound for Senators and members by Buuyuge, il zI[u1m_I., Public Printer ut actual cost ... . 5 upproprxntnou for payment to . .. . . 419 prices for pieco-work in folding) . _ . . 179 Bou·¢-ra, Eh H ., 1w¤¤1tyfcn·<l¤~fuviug,etc., cfpu lic lilwurws payment to ... ... 658 in District oi Columbia. . ... 121 Buuwn, J. F. M., _ classification of, postage on. . . 3:49 payment to .. . . . . - . . . (A3 YPOm foreign countries, through mails, col- Bcwhnnnon, Henry, _ lcction of duties on .. . . . 360 puym•·_ut to ostatc ot .. . ... 629 Boone, Iuruvl, · Bmrin, Iundel T., payment to .. . . . . .. .. ... . 560 I pa.ynn-nn to . . . . . . .. . 637 Boone, William, [ Bowles, Llwlm, puyment to ,,,,,, . .,.,, . . .. ...,, , 648 lmynn ut to , ,,_,, _ _ _,,,,,,,,,.,,, ,, . , 557