Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/859

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INDEX . P r · Pm Coin Certificates, uu Collectors of Customs, _ not to be payable in silver dollars . 25 appropriation for commissions to, as supermay be used to purchase silver bullion 192 intendents of lights . . - . - . . . 213 authority to issue, in exchange lor bullion, shall disburse appropriation for debentures, repealed .. . ...- 383 ctc ... · 128 Coma", S H _ certificate of, as to destruction of stamps on ’" · . d 1 uired be- ¤=·>‘¤~¤**·> ------·--· · ----- · ----- ---·· 4* §8}’;‘§,‘é.‘;;,,‘iE$.a§?:‘i¥;‘\$i.z.cE“ W Cziggrlgeflzwo 656 for Alaska, beiore whom may take oath of 47 ’'‘‘ ‘ ‘’‘‘‘‘‘ "" ' office .. . . . ... . . Colbert, Antonio, deceased, __ for district of Plymouth, Mass., salary 133 ]mym0l1li to l1€11’S of ----.--·-·--···-··-··-. 6¤6 of Nantucket, Mans., . 133 Colbert, Iiridget, mtecutriaz, Collectors of Internal Ifereiwo, payment to . , . .. . ,..,,..,,,__ 656 appropriation for salaries and expenses of . . 187 Colbert, Ellen, for deficiencies in -.-. . . ..-.47, 413 payment to - - . - .. . . . . 656 papnpentls to certisin; acl3s oi) mag: valid];. 670 Cow", Kaw no o ave sa ary u ess con me y puvnoentto -. . . -- .. . . 656 S°“@*°-·-;- ---·--·--- ·--- 330 Colby, Maw, to act as disbursing agents; bonds .. 328 payment to ...,,,..,,,, , ,..,,,,,,,, , _,,,_ 655 ¤u°W¤;1;3¤ng>l;§1:1u¤§iai;gé» T0? ¤1¤¤¤1l¤g_29 330 Colbert T0'"?/v , 2 for advertising etc . ,3*0 Payment t° " '‘’‘ '"' ‘‘‘‘‘‘ "" ‘ 656 bonds of; conditions; where filed. 3:27 Colburn, Justin E., may appoint deputies and revoke same; payment to widow of .. . . . . . . . . 412 may require bond; liable for acts of- 329 gogchuye,. Mo,,,,,",,; Auocgaygon, I deputies as acting; liability for acts of 328 condemned cannon, etc., to 325 ¤h¤U k¢1•gP }`°c°TdS smlcermng mauufactluers 347 cozawnar zum, Mug., l° °'g‘j’“» “GL ·;···t···;_··| appropriation for improvement of .. .. . 370 °f Ei? iikggglgmgsg:) 1;; Fggrggah copy examination and survey of ... 160 to bg Evidence > 332 Cole: 1·’¤¢l·¤* l R-: shall enforce laws, etc., and report neglect, payment to . . . . .. . . 551 ctc ______ ____ _____ _ _____ _____ _____ 328 Cole, Sampson D., administrator, issue of stamps by, before payment of tax payment to .. . . . . _ .. . . 519 prohibited; penalty . . . . . .. . 327 Cole, Willis, 559 may fgriiish taippugld stamps ton spipits tt _ ___________ _ ______________ ___ eowproo w enso or -axes,e c.- paymen 0 ~ how uccounled lor and used- . .. 340 Coleman A A 3 ,mént't0 " 519 to be charged with tax·paid stamps; com- P y'‘``°‘`''`''' missionson . 338 C0;;'"""- -?';lg“'€’: 563 with warehousf, etc., stamps; returns. .. 338 5'm°¤ - -~~·- - ··-·· · ·-•·- · -·-·· · ---·· shall cause distil eries to be surveyed etc. . 334 Coleman, Robert G., may require production of books, etc., in claim referred to Commissioners of Claims. 664 cases of failure to make returns ; Coleman Robert W. deceased (rand: **0 -----·------ ·---·· ·-·· --·· 331 claim, of estate, oi} refeired to Court of may Wlggclgggggz °t°·» of t°ba°°° P°ddl°1`§ 346 Claims ..-. ... . 6l3 _ S ···· · ·--- ;---;···_ ---·--· com Rob'", may examine persons, etc., in districts out I laud—warmuts to issue to; proviso 536 Colleges °i Smt’° ' ‘ '`'`‘'’ "" 331 Collecting Claims a ° · { { {Su-gb { fd lj t upprvpriwtivns for, due United States ---- 233. 398 ppm1g1e: llugiiggmiis, et?.,?; TT . . FT 333, sw Collecting Indians, naval engineers may be detailed as professors appropriations for .. . . . ... 84, 312 in . .. .. -... 322 Collecting Repmwe; may withdraw alcohol for preserving speciappropriations zibr, from customs, deiioien- 8 C mms Wh°lh°1` lD°°I'P°"‘·l·°d °I` not- ·· 48 cies . . . ...11 ,421 ollett George C. for salaries, etc., of commission to investi- payment to -.i. . ... . . 648 gate condition of force engaged iu.. 9 Collier, Jacob E, from internal revenue, deiiciencics .. 421 payment to .. . . . . 515 from public lands ... ..-. .. 229, 392 Collier, Malinda C., Collecting Volunteers, P*[>'m°¤t *0 ~ -·--· · ·-·-··-·---·------·—·-- 551 appropriation forpayment for, to Kentucky. 385 ‘ Con""? Th°m“·’ my to pennsylvania, ______ _ ____ _ ___ ____ 335 payment to ... . . . .. 514 for deficiencies in general appropriation Collins, Daniel, for . . . .. . .. - . . . 423 appiopriaiiou for payment to, repealed; collection Dgaymm, . h payment to widow of . . . 664 of New York City, extended . . 324 I Calm, M·¢‘<~‘<l» Couwwr of Tana, S payment to .. - .. . 642 for District of Columbia shall give noticeC°"'”*» E"“”» _ of assessment .. . . . , wa payment *0 ------ - ----- · ----- · ·---- - ~-·-- 658 shall allow rebate for prompt payment-, 105 C°"”'”: J¤•·¤¤l•, duties of, under dog-tax law .. . . 173 Paymmt to · ·---·-----· · ·--- · ---·· · -··· · 644 shall keep ior public inspection list of tax- Collins, James, sales . . . .. .. . . - . 283 payment of judgment to .. . . .. 234 shallqagive certincate of taxes due; fee; X Collins, Jeremiah, ect . . .. . . 283 t released aa surety on bond .. . . 539