Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/861

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836 mnnx. Pa Pap. Committees, N I Condley, Charles, appropriations for deficiencies in pay of payment to . . . . .·-·.· . ·.· 656 clerks, etc., to, of Senate . .. 10,41 I Condon, Argon, of House, ,... , ,_.,, . . . .. . . 11, 41, 402 payment to daughter of ... - .. 658 for extra steuogruphers, etc., to, of House 238 Condon, Edward U’.1I., _ clerks to House, (!01't{l1ll,t0 be paid though · President to cause investigation, etc., in not sworn , . . . . 255 CABG of .. . .. . .. . . . . . 254 pay of certain, when to begin .. 246 Condon, Emcline, one months’ extra pay to 237 ]l8·yIIl911b to .. . . . . . . .. . . .. 658 Low to be paid - . . .. . .. . 255 Comly, James, clerks to Senate, one month’s extra pay to. 237 payment to . .. . . . . . .. . 632 how to be paid -. ... 255 Concruh River, Ala., on organization of Army, duties, report, etc. 151 examination and survey of .. . . . .. 100 on transfer of indian Bureau 152 Conemaugh Riwr, Pa., time for making report extended .. 487 examination and survey of .. -. 16*2 manner of taking testimony relating to pri- Coney, Henry L., vate claims for use beiore . . . 278 payment to .. . . . . . . . . .. .. 555 of Senate; advances torexpenses of ; credits Conjiwlerate Cenwtory, to secretary; vouclwrs and accounts. 419 appropriation for care, etc., oi, at Jol1us0n's thirty •1ays’ extra pay to certain employes Island, Ohio; proviso .. . . . . . 220 of . . . . . . .. . . ... 489 Confederate Records, of House; thirty days' extra pay to certain appropriation for purchase, ctc., of 222 em leyés of . . ... -. .. . . 489 * for collection of . . . . . ... 388 Common Seliloolu, limit to employes on . . . . .. 388 appropriation for support of, in District of Conjederated I ndians, Columbia . . - . . . . . . 407 appropriations for installments to Flathead Holmeod Cemetery, District of Columbia, and other . . 71, 301 granted for purposes of ; conditions.. 353 of Middle Oregon. .. . . . . .. . . 00, 299 donation of land in Denver, Colo., tor. 317 Congress, Commufation, apipropriations for current expenses of 178 appropriation for, to prisoners of war for ‘ or deticiencies in. . . . 10,41,237 rations .. . . .. . . . . . . 130 for publishing laws of .. 184 of fuel to officers of Army prohibited .. 150 for printing and binding for . . . 207, 399 for quarters, Army, when to be allowed . .. 151 for deficiencies in . . . . . 417 Company Cooks, for payment to widows, etc., of deceased in Army; law providing for detail of, re- members of . . . . .- .. . -. . 400 peeled . . . . . ... 276 members of, entitled to Coast Survey charts 382 Company Commanders, Army, may send and receive documents by mail °mny recommend non-commissioned officers · free .. . . . . . . . .. . . . 10 for promotion, etc .. . . . . 150 allowances in ease of contested elections to; Conqoasvea, accounts and vouchers . . 400 appropriations for, for Navy . . 50, 285 testimony in private claims pending before, Compass billings, how taken . . . . . 278 appropriations for, for Navy . .. 51, 285 proclnmations convening ... .. . . 803, 808 Conqoensalion, time for holding election for, in Califomia. 111 appropriations for, in legislative depart- in Colorado . . .. .. . . . . .. 112 ments . .. .. . . . . . . 178,181 in North Carolina . . . ... 175 in executive departments. . . . .. . .182,205 in West Virginia .. . 175 in judicial departments . . . 204 Congresses, Compton, Barnes, of Universal Postal Union; when held, etc 744 payment to . . 517 Congressional Directory, Compton, Bersheba, appropriation tin- expenses of compiling. . . 180 payment to .. . . .. .. . . 638 Congressional Globe, Compton, Daniel, appropri ation for purchasing plates, ctc., of . 207 pension to -. . 546 Congressional Library, Conqnton, Oliver, appropriat-ions for salaries, etc., in 182 payment to .. 638 tion- deiiciencies in . . . . . . 8 Complrollora of Treasury, for law·books for. .. . . .. . . . . 204 appropriations for salaries in omoe of . 184 I for additional assistants in .. . . . 239 Conanf, Peter H., for prin! ing and binding for . .. .. ..207, 399 payment to .. .. .. .. . . 500 binding for, not snlgieet to genera.} rule 207 Conard, Joseph, librarian to certify necessity ior printing. . 207 payment to . . . . . . . . .- 563 defacing, etc., books, etc., oi, penalty .. 171 Condemned Cannon, cost of site for, to he ascertained. . 225 donation of, to Boston, Mass .. . . .. 325 Congressional Printer, seo Public Printer. to Bnyard Post, G. A. R., Trenton, N. J. 325 Congressional Record, to Colchester Monument Association 325 , appropriation for printin . . . . 207 to Custer monument .. .. . . .. 259 i prices for piecework in foiiding . .. 179 to Des Moines, Iowa .. . . 483 Conklin, Andrew J., guardian, toLncon,Ill . 48Jt paymeutto .. . . -- 557 to Ledyard Monument Association., . 325 Conley, Benjamin, administrator, to McLean County, Ill . 483 payment to ,, ,,_,___, ,, ,,_, ,_ , , _ ,___ _ _ _ __ 654 to Monongahela Cemetery .. - . -. 483 Conley, Mary, to Post 145, G. A. R., District of Mass,. -. 3::5 . payment to use of .. .. 654 to Pontiac, Mich . . . . . . . 483 Conley, Morris J., deceased, to Sutton, Mass. . . . . ... 355payment to estate of . -.. . . 654 to Soldiers' Union of West Virginia . 242 i Conneclwut, to Wmterset, Iowa. . .. . 254 I post-roads established in. . . . . 15, 432