Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/871

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846 mnnx. Page. Page. District of C0lumbia»—O0ntiuued. District of Columbia-Continued. appropriations- persons charged with crime, made compeibr bridges .. . . . 403 tent as witnesses in courts of . .. . 30 for health department . . 409 deeds, mortgages, etc., in, to take effect for tire department . . . . .. ... 408 against creditors, etc., trom delivery for Metropolitan Police .. . . -... 408 for record .. ...- . .. .. . .- . 40 for police court .. . .. .. .. 409 public libraries in, penalty for deihcing, for public schools .. . . . . 407 i ctc., books, etc., of.. ..-. . .. .-.. 171 forhospitals and charities in-l2, 208, 230, 404, 639 cadet-midshipman at Naval Academy may for relief of poor ot; etc .. .. . . . 250, 488 be appointed tbr . ... .. . . 143 for support of transient paupers in .. 389 attorney of United States for, settlement of for support of convicts transferred accounts of. . . . ... . . 7 hom . . . . . ..., .Z%6, 398 acknowledgments of deeds, etc., to land for deficiencies in. . . . . 4, 121 in, bctbre consuls, etc., validated 353 for printing and binding for supreme law of descents in,u.liecting issue of marricourt of .. . . .. .. ... 207, 399 ages of colored persons . . .. 282 for payment of certain workingmen em- tax-list to be kept for public inspection. 2*43 ployed on public improvements in,. . 209 certiiicatc of taxes due; tee ; effect .. .. 283 act for support of overnment ot} for year public records ot, relating to property to be 1878, amended .. . 34 open to inspection .. . . . 283 assessment of property in, to be revised; revenues, etc., to be deposited with Treasproceedings; appeals . .. 34 i urcr of United States; disbursements; census to be taken by assessors; items . 34 I accounts . . . . .. . . . . . . - . . 410 when taxes shall be payable . .. . . 35 · sinking tnnd for 3.65 bonds of . 410 special improvement taxes in, erroneously I issue of bonds by, authorized; terms, etc.. 259 assessed may be refunded ... 87 redemption of certain outstanding bonds., 260 assessments in, to be revised, etc 166 tax-lieu certificates erroneously issued, to ba is of assessment, etc., of taxes in ... 208 I be settled .. . . . . . . - . 323 public schools oi, to be continued for re- { may be received in payment of arrears of mainder of school year; funds oi, how ! taxes . . . . . .. ; . . 324 provided t... .. . 40 I additional associate justice for supreme justices of the peace in. . . . . ... 100 , court of . . . .. . . . . . 320 constables in. . . . . . .. 100 1 supreme court oi, women members of bar ot, commissioners of deeds for . . . . 101 4 shall be admitted to practice before notaries public in . . . . . 101 i Supreme Court ... . . . . . . 292 to continue a municipal corporation .. . .. . 102 i oleomargarine sold in, to be plainly marked; commissioners for government of .. . . . . 103 i penalty .. . . . . . . . . . 264 powers and duties of . . . . - ... 103 February twenty-second to be a holiday in. 277 estimates by .. . . .. . 104 Louise Home released from taxes. . . . . . 601 advances to . . . . . . . . 208 I Holmead Cemetery granted to, for school rate of taxation in . . . . . . . 105 , purposes; conditions . . . .- - 353 disposition of taxes .. . 105 g commission to select site for Naval Observsettlement of accounts ..-- 105 ; atory in; report, etc .. .. 241 tax notice .. . . . . . . . ... 105 ° Columbian University may hold annual deduction for prompt payment . ... 105 meeting in May or June . , . . 88 remission of penalties on taxes of 1878 . 105 Mutual Fire-Insurance Company of, charter repairs and improvements of streets. .. 105 amended . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . 132 police commissioners and school tru tees, National Fair-Grounds Association of, incorabolished .. . . . 107 porated .. . . . . . ... . 135 sinking-fund commissioners abolished . 107 District Courts, board of health abolished .. . . . 107 appropriations for ... . . .. 121, 415 health-officer; sanitary inspectors; clerks; : clerks ot, not to be receivers, etc .. .-.. 415 salaries . . . . 107 restoration of lost records, ctc., of . 277 reports to Congress . . .. . . .., . 108 jurisdiction of suits on bonds of deputy col- Congress to appropriate fifty per centum of lectors of internal revenue . . . ... 329 expenses . . . . .. ... . 104writs of error from circuit courts to, in debt not to be increased; penalty .. ... 108 criminal cases; proceedings. . . . . 354 taxes on educational institutions . . ... . 108 g in Calitbrnia, claimants of Rane o Las Cru~ sureties on bonds given to 103 ces may present claim to; proceedinspection of flour in . . 91 ings; appeal . . . . . . . 172 regulations relative to sale of coal in .. 131 in Colorado; special terms; trial divisions, building regulations in ... 131 l etc.; venues; deputy clerks, etc. 292 regulation of the practice of pharmacy in . . 137 1 to have circuit court jurisdiction in southearnings exempt from attachment, etc., 1 ern and western divisions ... 294 in .. . . . . . . . . . .. 173 ‘ in Florida; judicial districts; terms at dog tax in; regulations, etc., concerning.. 173 i Tampa. . . . . . . . . 280 one-half of expense of indigent insane ot; to i in Indiana, terms oi, to be held at Fort be charged to District .. 230 “Wayne; clerk, marshal, deputies embezzlement of property of ; penalty . 23 _ etc. . . . 166,398 of effects of private citizens in; penalty. 23 i in Kansas; terms at Fort Scott; marshal records, ctc., of, dctined; penalty for steal- i and district attorney; clerk and murmg, etc .. . . . . . . 23 shal to appoint deputies; accommopenalty for secretiug, altering, etc .. 23 dations . . . . . . . . 355 depredations on fixtures in houses in; pen- in Michigan; rearrangement of territory; uliy ----·- . .--.. . . . 36 divisions of western district; venue sale of lottery-tickets, etc., in, prohibited; i o1' actions; officers, etc .. 175 penalty; permitting house to be used § in Missouri; western district divided; 0B p0llCy- Ottery, etc.; penalty . 39 : venue; officers, etc _ ..., , .,.., , ,,___ 263