Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/900

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INDEX. 875 Page. Pm,°_ J¤I:§{f;Dg:·;¤:.¥) C-, 564 Johnson, sam. M., " . - -··--- ·-·· ---· ---··--- ---- · tt __,_ _ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ ___ __ Jewell, Thomas, execufor, Johggxfgidsq, · 661 paymeuttc .. .. .. 564 ‘ t __ _ _ _____ _ Jewell, William, deceased, , ,r0§:g;;;?g,,;,?cN``'`'' "" 661 payment to estate of .. . . . . ____ 564 Payment to __’ ________________ __ ____ __ ____ 564 J¢‘¤¢‘¢’U‘y, _ _ _ _ Johnson, Thomas, of Alabama, ll0lrm3}]1}b1€, withu1 Umvarsa.1 Postal payment to ____________________ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 551 _ _ [mon -··- ·- -·---· - —-----· ---- -... 740 Johnson, Jhomas, of Tennessee, Juuwon, James, payment to .. . . . . 659 J pgggeut tot, . . . . . ,,______ (557 Johnston, {homme, of Mississippi, oc · can-ra aon paymeu » 0 .. . . . ...,. , _ . _ ,_._____ **3 appropriatiousvfor installments to Fmt1am JOMM, William. of A¥¤b•»¤¤¤, devewvwh do Indians removed to . ...,,__, _ _ _ _84, 313 garment to heirs of ..., ,._ . ..__,_. 651 Johanson, Maw, ’ JoPn;¢;:2£’ig)i¢{)1n,I;fo.;_7linois, deceased, 668 b . ... F » ‘ . . --·-·~-·--··—--·-· · —··- _,,·;_¤;,;{>gjf *==~¤·* 5 I·=¤*·>*<* #*6 Jam., @..,7,., of aaznma, .a.m.ea, payment to .. .. . . ,, ,_____ 238 * P==w¤¤¤¤ Fe <¢¤¤e*=¤ 0 --~- - - ------ - ·------- 551 Johnson), Island, Ohio, cI0h7HOT!, UVOUIGM, _]?`., deceased, rr appropriation for care, atc., of Confederate °f ‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘·‘• ‘ ········ wl cemetery at . · Johnson, Thlham T. deceased ’ pmvlso '``'`' '220 payment to estate of ’ 633 J°h"”"sAH“°r Joint Committees .-.--.-----`.-----.-.- Joggmej ···· · · ·····‘ · · ············ 551 app;‘0pri?ti0u§ {013 expogges of. 276 v " ·» OH mus of t' f — Jayme? to ---- - ----- - ----- -- ------------ 565 Pup;§’eXt6.Ié01???}T?’..?‘f.Eff?. 487 > ""r on b 'c Printing may authorize purchases Payment to · ····· ···· ···· · ······· ·· -··--· 654 in open market . 22 Jvhnvma AM 0·· Jolly Euzaaau.`` ````` " ```` "` Joggggxolgéfagix ···· · ····· · ····· ·· ···~·· 661 pagfment to .7 . . . ..- . ... . .. 559 1 -> Jemea A. W., deceased, p3yH10I\tt0 ..-...-.-. .--. 651 I tt tt L___________________" · Johnson, Catharine, J53D;?-,.,,,1;) ggcgasei 650 J £°m°%$ 3*14; ·-··-···--· ·-- · ·-·· · ··-·- 654 payment to estate of .. . . . . . . - . 660 0 " a' ·» James, Anna, Pa5'm°¤* W ·-·· · ----···-· --·· ··-- ·~-• ---· 662 y paymentto .. . , .-..-- 659 Johnson Dcmey, J A 1* 1>¤>‘¤¤7¤¤’¤ *0 ----·- - — -·-· · --·-··--· · ·-·-- 659 Q o;;8§m£as'?¤:' . . .. . . - ... ass J0h¤80¤a Qfivard, 9“a"d'“”s 652 I Jones, Branson G., P¤·Ym€¤ 0 ·--- ·-·· ---· -- -----·--··-·--·· r claim of referred to Claims Commission-, . 566 Johnson, George O., deceased, R51 Jemca, Casio; 654 3 m3ut1;0,,... .-.-..-. . .. p3ym8D 0 .. .. . . . . . ... .. J°I’:'°gim°’ GTFoW' 520 J(mio8’ ch?l“fL" a a C1 ‘ 0 ‘ · me wm 1;t°__,,,..,-...-.. . .- ommo re erm 0 mms 0mm1am0n... Ja£ngonf%gnpy, Jones. C. 5., administrator, Pgymgnt to _ __,__ , _,,,, , ,,,.. .-. . . . . . 551 ps,ymcut.t0 .. . ... . . . . 630 Johnson, Hugh, Jones, Damel, payment to ____ _ _ , , _,,, , , , , ,... . . 652 I payment to .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 Johnson, Isaac, deceased, Jones, E. G., deceased, Payment fg wldgw Of. ,,,, . . . . . . . . 654 payment to estate of. . . . - . 656 Johnson, James J, Jones, Edmund W, claim against,,,.,-.--. .-. 541 Jp3§'Hi?5l6 `Ht; ·?-é:-:-:·--· -·~--· - ·--—- ·--· 564 J h ,] F, ones war o wgonw 0P;;:;Qu€T§s_ _ _ _____, , _ , _ , , ,..,.. . . .. 645 Z payimcut to, . . .7 · .- 564 ,;,,;,,,,0,,, John A,, [ Jones, Edward, of Tennessee, Payment to ______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ ,,_, , ,,,.. . . . . 659 i payment to .. . . . . -- 7 - 659 Johnson, John- B., . Jones, Edward B., payment to _____ ____ ____ ____ _ ____ _ ,____, 651 payment to . .. . . . . . . .-.. 630 Johnaon, Laura K, Jew, LIM, r paymcutto ____ ____ ____ _ _____ ____ ____ ,_,, 551 payment to . . .-.. 606 Johnson, Levi, · J°'”°8» E"", 558 payment to ____ ____ ______ ____ __,_ ____ ,,,. 657 ~ payment to . . . . . . .--· .·.. ·’·*’·m~"·*·"·# ·*· W, ‘ ·’°;:;",¤£:z’;*’;,, 558 pgymgntto _ .,... . ...--.------------- _ ·-··--·- ··· ····· ·' ··•·· · ·•·• ’ Johnson, Matthew, Jones, Gabmel, pggymgut to , _ .- .. . ... 551 pH»y1I1€L\‘b to . -.. .. .. .. . ... 564 Janabaa, Milton, Jmwv, George R-, , payment to .. . ~ - .- -·-- 552 I paymm to -——- · ·----·-—-·- · ------ - ---·-- “~‘° Jo;,,,,,,,,, Mmmm, g Jones, George W, of Tennessee, 659 pgymgut to ____ .. . . . . 555 payrueuvfv ---- ·--- ·--- · Jones George W ., late nunuster, Johnson, Aancy, ¤ 1 6 Payment t0______________ ____ ____ ____ ____ 633l payment to .. . ... · .·--- - ----· 1 Johnson Nancy adminiatratriw, _ Jaw, Hwdnvvn T-, r ’ ’ ct to .. .. . -··-· - -------- 609 payment to . . . . . .-··- - ----- - --·-. 504 _ puym _ Johnson, Pleasant, deceased, r , J°”“a H”`“”'» Ju 630 payment to estate cf.., - - - ---- - ----- - --·-· °04 , P”#Y’3°“t to ···· ·· ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘' " ‘ ’`’' Johnson, Robert E, adminwtralcr, 507 J°;g*;mg:1”€‘?0 ,307 payment to . . -... ..---· · - · - ----·· ‘ ······ · ··‘·‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘’` `