Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/917

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892 INDEX. nge. I P¤z¤· Milford, Conn., , Militia, _ _ appropriation forimprovemont of harbor of. 159 { claim of Mi sourg for pay t0, fo1' S€1’V1¤€S d'¤!‘· Mzlhmmé Fgzéwey, 640 I Mn Rh;-1gA1};:;>H1011} 1`¤P0I'* ··------·----·- 266 DEYIH I1 0 .----. .-----...-.-I; -1 '_ _ Mgzhgm, ,2;];,;, 640 I Mzplg-Oppinlgon for mihtsry post 011.. . . . 149 amen 0 .. . . . . 1- ree; a. Mgigrzry Academy, . ] appropriation for repair of road between appmpriatious for . . -. .. . . . . . 108, 260 { Fo1'b1‘€SS M011Y0é Bild · ·-··- - ----- - · · - 390 limit of pay of adjutant of . . .. . . . . 260 Millar, Frank WY, donation of car non for Custer monument st. 259 puyruent T0 - ·--·- - ·-------···--- - · · ·--·~· 42 allowances to Board of Visitors of . 1I0 Millender, Willie, number of cadets at large allowed at .. 111 payment to - ----- - --~-- · ----- - ------·---- 657 graduates of, number to be appointed in Miller, Aaron H., Agmy; selection ot, discharge of sur- 111 Mppnsizritto. . V --.·------ · --·-· · ------— 585 us .. . . . . . . . . . • er, am ., to bepprefurxed for sgipointmonts inArmy. 111, 150 pension to .. . . . .·-·------·---- 589 Militanu Bounty Land brrants, . Miller, Adam, privileges as to use oi, extended to certain I payment to .. . -.. - ·----·--·-- 561 svrip, ctc . . .-.. .. .- 275 . Miller, Augusta, Military Cemeteries, - pension to . ... . .. - .--------·- · - 526 appropriation for pay of superintonden! s of. 4 Miller, Charles M, 507 for maintenance o .. . . . 4 payment to . . . . . . ... Jllililmjq Cmrricta, Miller, Chriaiophcr, _ appropriations for care, ctc., of .. . .. .22*2, 388 payment to -.. -.· ~---·---·--· 660 tor dchciencies in .. . . . . 126 * Milkr, Daniel C., administrator, Llilitary Engineering, _ _ payment Sto . . . . . . . . .. 519 appropmatgnsgor department oi] at M1].1-09 261 Aldlcr, DGH30E., 503 to ca emy. . .. . . ...1 , ayment ... . ... ...- . .·..-. .--. _ Jllilifary Hrczdmmdm, MEM, Elizabeth, where to be established . . 150 ymcmt to . . . . . . ·--· · ·-····· 556 Military Hospitals, I52r, Elizabeth A., appropriations for , . . . . . . . 3, 148 aymeut to . . ..-. ··· · ·· ···· .· $66 Military Justine, · Jlgkr, Gcorye, appreprtiatious for salaries, oto., in Bureau 195‘ Mpgymentrty . . . ... . . 50*3 0 u-----...---...-.. ..--.- OT 1. ., Military Posts, I payinent to .. ..-._.. . . 516 ap_propriati nforbui1•1ing,noa.r B1zwkHi11s- 149 Millar, Harvey, deceased, m Montana. 149 payment to estate of . .·-.. 558 at E1 Paso, Tex .. .. . . . . 281 Miller, Harvey E., 558 Jililitmjq Prison, payment to .. . . .· appropriations for .. . . ... 222, 389 Miller, Henry, tor siicicncios in . . . . . . 119 payment to . .. . . . ..-- 646 army supplies may be made at 389 Miller, J. 11, ‘ 630 Military Prisoners, payment 1:0 . .. ... ` payment to Tennessee for keeping . 260 Miller, Jacob HZ, deceased, ` Military Reservations, payment to estate of. . . ... 505 at Fort Mackinac, part of, to be conveyed Miller, Jacob J., to J. A. T. Wendell and others. . 326 payment to . . . . . . ...- 664 Fort Riley; bridge- abutmcm and approach Miller, James, of Kentucky, · may be loesrod on. . ... 37 payment to . ... . . 630 Fort Snelling, Mmn.; right of way granted Miller, James, for approaches, etc., to wagon-bridge . .. 224 payment of judgment to .. . . . . 411 at Fort Wayne, Ark., restored to public do- Miller, James M., 660 muiu .. .. .. 276 payment to . . .. . . Military Roads, Miller, John, deceased, appropriations for from Fortress Monroe to payment to estate of .. . ... -... 518 Mill Creek, Vo . .-.. 390 Miller, John P., from to Pa.g§_sn]§prings, (Epic. .. 390 Mpzymegt tso . . . . . ... . . . . . . 640 'o mlicnto, . ox. to agosa i Jo n ., Springs, Colo .. . . . . 390 credit to estate ot} for doticioncy tux . .. 514 consnruetxon of, be ¤· Ojo • eliento to Fort Miller, Jonathan, Wingate, N. M• x., etc. . . . -. 219 payment to . ..,.. . . . . . ... 556 M I fromlgcottsburgh to Camp Stewart, Omg. 390 Miller, Joseph M, i Mary wine, pa mont to . .. . .. .. . . 564 appropriations for support of . . . . 1, 145 Milli-, Maggie .L, ior deficiencies in . .· 118, ¤25 payment to .-.. . .-. . , 558 for payment for horses, etc., lost in I29,353 Miller, Malriua, ‘ credit lor, in computing longevity pay and payment to .. 558 rotiro·· ent ., .. ..., . 150 Miller, .Hartl•a, Mtlmsses for soldiers ruptured in 353 payment to .. . , . . 552 ' itary Stores, Miller Michael uppropris.tions for, for Marine Corps ... 56, 291 psyinent to { , . , . . .--, 633 Milihry Tgkqrapbs, _ Miller, Michael HZ, apgrroprumom for mamtenanoo, etc., of ..219, 386 payment to . .· .. - . 524 or constructing, from Bismarck to Fort Miller, Lliumui 0., _ E111s,_ ami expenses of operating 219 payment to .,.,..,,.,. . .,., , ...,, 551 PUVNB dmpstehcs by . . 219 Miller, Mun, · rules lor operating . . . . . 219 payment to .. . . . ... . . 65