Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/930

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INDEX. 905 . . Pugh 1 Page. P¢*¤¢'lWlly B¢"*J¢WW H-, Z I’affe·r‘s0n, Samuel G., administrator, P¤5`m°¤t *0 ---- ·-·~-- - -----···--· 508 I paynxeut tu . . . , _ __,,, ____ 523 1,088, JOIW Jq Paltcrson, Simeon, P P3)`}!!?'? to R;- Q} ·--· · ··~·· - ---- ~ ·----- . . . . 556 payment to .,,_, , ______ _ _____ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 660 asaaw nrcr 5 . . _ 5. I appropriations fol improvement of . ., 159, 364 PfggiiigflQ`;:(;¥éi£%?8€d’ 660 P"”mg""Tax’ Paficivron Thomas M .-.. U -l-. U----- I--'-- collections of certniu, under State laws, de- cO,,“,S,},(l_c1Cction EXPGHBGS of 256 400 ulured valid .. . . . . . . 177 pamyo _;,,,,,,,,, E T ```'’' " ’ Pusan Caralla Inlet, Tu;,, pzwufmt to · ·,. rm Psggggggdatious for improvement of ... 153, 365 pam}", A,,"",,,:"; ``````'°```````` '' 'J


may be issued to certain colored citizens pg;8t3,::132?,,;g ``'`'``°`°' ’ ``'`'``````'’ 561 _ fmof ¤1·=·~g<=- -·-·- - ----· · ---- — ----- 40 prnyuwnt to . . . . A . 640 Pastor, H., Patty, Barbara, deceased, 1*”·)'m°m7 *0 ··-· - ··-·· · ·- - · ---- · ---- · -··~· 128 payment to astute of .. 552 Palapsco River and West Branch, Patty, Della1d1L, examination and survey oi} from Light- payment to _,__,,,,.,,,,, , ___, ___, __ _ ____ 559 street bridge to head oftidc-water .. 161 Patty, Eli, estimate of cost of making, navigable for payment to , ,,_,, . ___, . ,, __,,_, ____ _,_,__ 552 canal boats .. . . . ... 161 Pauley, Mary E., Patent Drawings, pension to ._,. , . . . ,._,, , ,_,_, 606 appropriation for producing copies of .. 200 paw,,w India,,, Palma Model?: _ uppropriutimgs for annuity etc. to . .. 75 305 “PPmPI`i“tl°u for restoration of ·-·· · ·----· 225 Pawnee Land District Kansas,) l , fm' deacieucws in -··-—·-----— -- - - ------ 13 credit in znccountslof receiver of. . . --.. 541 Patent-Ojlcc, Paxson, John 11 , appropriations for salaries, ctc., in 199 payment to .. . . .-.. . . 556 corrected .. .-.. .. -... . . 225 Pay, for deficiencies for restoring models in -. 13 appropriations for, in legislative departin contingent expenses caused by Bra- 42 V ment .. . . - .. . .. 178 rule as to public binding not to apply to in executive d€]_)G41`tH101ll'S. . .-... . -. . 18:2 library of .. . . . . . . . . 323 in judicial department . 204 Patent-Ojlcc Building, of Army and dcficgcnqms . ... 1, 146, 416, 423 appropriations for re toraticu of . 225, 392 ¤ of N avy and dG60l011Cl8S.: . -.: 4, 48, 121, 284 tbr deficiencies for plans for repairing.. - 46 l of Murmc Corps and dciic1cnc1cs .. 4, 55, 290, 416 Pa¢em9.0_yice Gazette, I at Military Academy .. 108, 260 appropxiution for photclithographing for. . 200 y at Naval Academy. . . . . 1-. . 1. . . .54, 289 my (lgiicigucigs in ,_,,_, , ,,,., . ..,.. - -. . 42 I balances may be used for desficmncws . . 285 Pat€‘”l8> _ _ , Pay Department, Army, C0¤1mi¤Si°¤°I` of, °¤° of °°mm**m9H im fl1'°‘ appropriations for; how accounted for 146 glaum telegraph for public bu11d- 257 pay of V0;,,,,;ce,·8, 0 lugs ..---- - ·- ···- - - - - ---- · ~---• appropriations for . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 423 Patenta for Imrmtiona, Paymm1ter—G0ncral, Army, ’ to hem, of William A_ Graham _________ ___ 542 appropriations tbr salaries, ctc., in officc of. 196 of Thomas A. \Vest011, term of. . . . 535 Paymasterq, t_ f y f Mrk to in naval Patents for Lando, ¤PPfoP¤¤ }0¤ 0I` P3 0 ° S v to Benjamin E. Edwards- . .. . . . . .. I scrvuw .-.-- --- - ---- - ·---· · ----· -- 284 to N aucy A. Herrick _. .· - ----- - ---·- - - 543 1 ay'"'; J- L-» 520

  • 0 Pvfmwatvmie Indwus ----------. -- - - - - 542 1>aym¤¤t_t9 .--.-. . . . . . .-... - --...

Patsaliao Riper, Ala., Payne, L“?2'“·tM·»t f 563 EX2.H1lD3»t10D and survey of .. . -... 160 I pagrfpnau A21 rus cc 0 . . . . . t 'ca wer _ . Pzxgglvlaléc on, to and from New Zealand . 700 examingmouland survey oi, from Geneva to Victoria ------ . -----..--. ·. - 705 P C Hb3m-,-- ------ ·----- - ----- . 374 . mnwmern P“""`°°"# C'"M° P" mm°°’ 500 l;?;;>ro¢;nri;1tions’for expenses of . . . . 86, 315 v=·>’=¤€¤g¤ ''''' "" `'`' "" ```` "°` V Peace ('rock, Fla., Pauermib t tawyl 660 examination and survey of . . . . 373 WF mu] O `I'’`' '°`` "°` ``'° Pearce, Elmira M., P“"""°"* D""°"’ 660 pavment to . . .. . . 520 p”ym°mjE5(l é ‘°' ‘ ``'`````````` Pearl River, Miss., 1 P‘";"°°:;1t tg " _ _ ____ _ 663 appropriations for improvement of .. .160, .572 "£‘£’°’f{'"M 660 1 P“{.'Z‘3‘}11:,,?}§'£'$“.£Z¥§zé’Z'é“”““’. . .. 500 P”·Ym°¤· 0 --·--··-·· _-; •-·- - ---·-~--- ---- l » ···· · · Patterson, James E., admmzstrator, 508 1’eI¢:;;¢;;;L A., i. l 647 payment to ·----- - ---·- - ----· - ··--- - ----- _. ·---- -----~ -----· -----· ·- - P¤"·~*·~"··L·*‘* L 5-0 "§?,1€,°;§z,.€“€’£1§‘“’; . . . 6..0 payment to --·--- - -·-- - ----· - --------- · . T d ---- H -··-—- · ----···-· · '°‘}f"""°g';£‘f,'” A" 555 P$§‘;.,€.;,,5‘;.,e.€ff,§‘§;‘;5’.,f _____, _ __,__ . ...,. 640 aym » .. . ... . . . . Z I Pallwsony Mm.,] pq Pcafal, M. fizicxwutar, --.. ··-l-. 640 p2mg,*ma11t to .. . . . . . . .. 519 P1*·¤·;m°¤l ll; ··· ‘ Palfcrson, Milly, _ a"' Cy am ‘ ’ ·l’ 601 pavxneut to . . . .. . . . . . b60 pnyméut to ---· - · -· ···--· · - -··· · ········· Pattéroon, Moses, deceased, FOB Perl, Ebcgngzcr. ·. 44 payment tv esmw of ---- -- ·--··· -- - · - --··- -= Su MY ·--- · -~-- · -----·- -