Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/934

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INDEX. 909 Perkins, Susannah, Page` I p;,,,;,,,, M,,,,,, B_ I’*‘~€•=· ])8}`m01`lTTO. . .". ..,, 520 lI{]\’u](`*]_1ti() ’ r 1’¢·r:@eg{·gg¤¤ 1% _ rw·i¤n·rpr·5¤. fJ.Z` ```` ```````````````` M ph;,,,, mm.,;,;] ```` ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘`‘‘ M6 “*‘*‘“‘{Q2§‘§§‘[}§,§§’§§f§§"`*°“ ‘“ °*“°° °f““i“*‘ ,89 P€l’{:$;*°¤*'° -··- ---— ···—· ---- -- 651 i¤¤¤i¤f=¤¤. - ...;;:;::;;::;;:::2;::: 191 .0 ...;?r.,¤_i,, ee., pmiiy for .0- ° °‘i'$L“}E?T‘f{‘.Y‘T T‘}Y??TT*i€‘Y° °““°“‘ "`“ 9 9 eihpog gig ____ _ _______ ____ ____ __ 340 f ‘ ‘ U-"".--·" - rw, o»¤~»·¤»·» in, °‘£.}L°.if.?££°€‘.§’.$.¥‘E§I‘YT‘fg it ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘’··· ”“"3;,§ ,.,f},i;,*j*j,‘;,§j,j,° be °“‘"*““* ---- -—-—-- 59* Philgglvlplria me new rei é}JJ·`}QZ€§J¤E3»} _ . ’ __ ompany Pg; "‘,‘;}};_;‘;l ···· ·· ······ ·· · ···· · · ···· ·· 6** Plimyureut to ·. . . . . ... 122 » F ¢ i ilhower William P“Y““`m W ·--- ---· ·--- ·--- ---- ·--. .. 657 . ’t t ..., .,._,,,,,_ __ Perry, UY_lV.,_adn•inistrator, Pliiilipgfzlexznder, - 640 claim ot, reierred to Claims Commission .. 566 payment to .,,_ ._ ,,,,., . ,.,. . ,,__ _ _______ 554 P*"‘¤·¢h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phillips, George D., com ention with , Postal [mon,. .. 434 pension to . . .. . . .- . . . . . . . 624 may sign before April 1, 1e79 .. . . 748 Phillips, George DC, of Alabama, Personal I roperty, payment to .. .. . . . -. . . 651 in Distnct of Columbia, assessment of, to Phillips, George W., of Georgia, be rerxsed .._.. . . 34 payment to .. 655 transuussxon of, to issue of marriages of Phillips, Harvey G., colored persons ._- ... ..-. 28*2 payment to .- .. .. 507 public records relating to, to be open to Phillips, Robert A., inspection . .. 283 payment to .. - --·- -- ------ ---- 505 Peru, _ _ Phisterer, F., convention with; weights and measures,. 709 payment of judgment to .. .. . . 7 Pmi:'o'3;a¥_T;QpIi01E' . . . . . . . . . . . .. 734 phgoygghwappgngz examhmtiousand gurvey of- · I _ U i i - . · - · U · 373 appromémtions tor, for Patent-Omce Gazettcim 200 Pew. Gmac W. for aeséiéiié} {{1 ````'``'``'`````'°` ’ 42 payment to , . , . ..., .. 660 Whew to be dino ____ ____ ___________ _ _____ gpg PCZCTB, Mason S., Photograph, PeI;¤Fm;§;,¥° ---—·--- - - - — ·-·-·· · ···- - - - - 504 certain, may be imported free of duty; ers, at pim, V bond ______ ____ ________ _ _____ _ _,___ 99 P=¤5m°¤ 0 ···· -· ·- ·--- ·· ·- -·-· • ---· -- 065 Physicians' Prescriptions, Peterson, E. JL, administrator, in the District of Lolumbia., who may dispayment of judgment to . . . ... 411 pause, eta, ,,,,, , _______,_ , _________ 137 Peterson, John JZ, Piankeahaw Indians, payment to .. ... . .. .. .--. 640 appropriations for interest on non-paying Peterson, Justina, stocks held in trust for . 86, 315 Pmw ¤fc},5¤·} br, r<>¤*<>r·=¤ ----·- - --~-- 5% rama, rman, Ct Ofy (IPCS -'-·_-I-_.-'_.------.-----.--. »· 1>¤r¤¤¢·i¤¥ *9 -— - - ——-·-- - ---—--~---------- 523 psig2K31e.? 66;) P‘;"!{»n$Z'l;';’;g’”v 653 Pplaymept to -. .. -. .-.. .. .. 646 a.` ··-· ···· ·-·- - -··--·- ·--- ·-·· ·- icing honuza Pettigrew, James UT, _ _ _ _ payment to ..’ -. ...- -... .. 034 claim referred to Commissioners of Claims. 664 Pickler, James UC, deceased, . Petty Officere,· ’ _ payment to widow of .. . .. . ... 660 appropriation for pay of, in naval service. . 284 Pickler, Nancy E., Petty, Joseph. A.,payment to .. -- .. .-.. .. .. 660 payment to . . .. . . 630 _ Pickup, Edward, Pezrits, · I _ _ payment to - ... -. 225 not to be k1]1ed, etc., in District of Colum- Pzedras Blancae, bio. . . . . .. . . 135 appropriation for right of way to liglit·sta- Peyton, Baillie, deceased, tion at .. . . ... . . 214 payment to estate of . . . . . . 647 Piegan Indians, pharmaqu, appropriations for goods, etc., to .. .. . .66, 297 in the District of Columbia., who may prac- 137 P';';)';:; for OH Mississippi jemcs 56 -..-·------·------ -·-·•--·---· I ‘ "°' comggssibnemof to be appcinimd, qualm, _ on Northern and Northwestern lakes,- .214, 381 mam, em .. .. .. 137 Pew? Jvlyn 660 register to be kept; who may be regis- 137 I_,m¥n¤°?V *37 ·-·--- - -·--·-----·--·------··· tered . ...-.---------------· v · ·» . examination of candidates; who may be 138 1,,PC’;Y2“x;_‘;t*;*,T;7; ---· · ···-- - ····· · ··-·· · ····· 516 examined . . . . - .-.-- ¤ l fees for registration .i;-. .. T-, -- P,I,;;{;}m“;:E€dd,· ······ · ···*· · ·‘·‘• ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 551 responsibility of registered p armacis s . . _ v . poisons, how dispensed and marlied . P ';?l° °féh2*“*Y b° gg6u t° Maryland' ‘'‘‘‘ 387 i ‘ » { f it t' -. ,... i a er zppewa n zans _ h palm mls or 3. sc mgm m wu, c G a gro riations for installments, etc., to . ..08,299 P eaaauls, PD P , when not to be killed, etc., in District of ior care, etc., of, on Wh1te Earth Reser- l [ t Columbia, ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ , _,__ 134 vation ,. - . . 83, J1.; Phel M ctuCom n Pillow Annie ,.§Z...,I.'{'¥£“_ _ TK. ., ff'. ?’Z.. .. . . as piyfnm ui . . .- .. wl