Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/948

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INDEX. 923 . . P Rurers, Benjamin, age- f Robmtlson, William N, Page` R}:;*§"f,’{},::m· E; ····· · · ···· · ······-·· -- - · 556 R reiérred to Commissioners of Claims. 664 v=·Y¤¤•>¤* *0 - -—-------- - ---- - ~---- - ·---... 655 , t 1 1) k·11 . · · · Rim. William, · M Obi; .1- Z  ? Comm` 134 1>=¤>“¤¤¤¤# *<> -------------- ----.. . . 651 Room, o. K. dmsm`` `°‘`‘ mm'. G<’0"9¢ E,payment to estate o2` .. . . , .._,, ____ ,510 myment to - . . ... . . . . 503 Robins, Joseph L., ROM. J<>i···. of Ohio, L payment to .. .. ______ __ 562 payment to .. . . .. . . .. 641 Robins, Susan, o1:ccuh·i1:, H Roach John, of Pennsylvania, 3 payment to .. . . . . ..- 510 P*5'm€'¤t¤ *0- ~--· · —~--- - ·-·· - ------ . ----· 1% Robinson, Alexander O., U Roach, R€b¢’C0ll, payment to ______ ___________ _ ______ ______ 554 Rpzyvment to . . .. . . 663 Pwbiuson, A- B-. deceased, W F a._ t t t t f. ...,. , .,,,,______ ____ app;-opriatiou for, from Fortress Monroe to { R<H>ir:.:11:?Chgr(;ge?j¢$? 524 MmC¤'¢’¢k.V¤ --—--- - --·-- - ----~ ---- 390 payment to .. . ..,.,,__ 523 from Alamosa. to Pagosa Springs, C010-. 390 Robinson, Edward, fl`0lD Ojo CHHQDYB to P8g0S8. Splillgs ,. ., 390 p3_y;Dq¤·|; tg ____ __ _ ____ _ ______ __ ____ _ _ _ _ __ 647 from Scottsburgh to Camp Stewart, Omg. 390 { Robinson, James 1I, from city of, to national cemetery nom-, I payment to ______ _ ____________________ ___ 631 Vicksburg, MNB- ----- - -·--- ---- 242 Robinson, Mary A., adminiazmtrix, Robb, Susan, payment to _, ____ __ ____ ______ ___________ 524 payment to .. . -. . .. . . 526 Robmon,•Peyton, Robbins, Anna L., P%Ym°“t to - --·—· · ---·· - ---- · · ~--·- · -·-.· 558 pension t0_ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____________ 5;;; Robinson, Samuel J2, Robbins, Eliphalet H., } P¤i·y¤1€¤t tv ------ - ----- · ----· . ... 508 pension to widow 01*.. .. . . 527 R<>*>·~8<>••. Thomas M. Robbins, Joseph,Pqymvllt yo · ·---- · --·-.-. . .. 562 payment m . . .. .. 640 Rvlnvsvv, Mus. Robbins, me M., payment to ----·- - --·---·-...---..-.. 562 payment m . . . . . . .. -. 552 Rvbveif. John, _ umm, Thermo; B., payment f¤_- ----- - --·-- . ---·· - --.-- . . 561 payment to .. 552 ‘ R0;}? lil`"??; N airs f 403 1¤»w»g··. FQQMM M-, 523 l M§}’,,,},’,,,“,;$,,,§{, P ‘ ° ···· · ·········· Rggjrjfglmu? `'`'‘`‘’' " ’'`'‘'`°| R aopfoprgzgong for mills, shops, etc., at. . -219, 386 payment to . . . . . . 655occ 8 an. rm 9% t f 220 Roberson, Samuel W, I R;_£I¥;g;1a1}3;?d8°r °m`°’ e °" ° ‘'‘' ’ *386 ° I R0}z;{;£;°2fn;g ‘'``'``` ‘'`` 647 Rgggzoyrhatgwxns for improvement of - -. 154, 367 payment to ‘ ‘’' ‘ '° " '`‘‘‘’' 647 Armv §`0C;)I‘({’0f' accounts of 666 Roberts, Elizabeth S., , Rockwm Charm if · '``‘` P°°°i°u t°’ m°r°°°°d' ’°’°'''‘' 626pavmegnl. ofjudgrxcnt to 234 Roberta, John D., deceased, * _· ·’`''''' , Roc!. y Moummn Locusts, R£‘;g}I:°;(; zzhzsgatc °f' ‘'’'‘' " °’'’ 647 { appropriations to continue investigation of J I ’ ‘ habits etc. of .. . . . 240 397 P°“”“’“ t? ··• ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘° ’ ‘ ‘’‘’’° 550 for deticiencies}`or relief of persons suffer- ’ R°b"’“· 'hfhai A', . ing i1·0m ravages of . ... 127 “'PI“`°P"°n°“° f°I` P‘”‘”Y‘1“”°h to b° pwd homestead settlers injured by may return mr mc ‘‘‘‘‘* ‘ ‘‘‘‘’ ‘ '‘°'`’ ""253’ 669 and resume rights -.,.. . . 88 R°b""f8v ·M“"‘h"” 0* t"'°w°¤ I act for relief of sufferers by extended. . 169 Payment of j“dgm°“° t° · ··‘‘‘ "" ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 7 , time for tree-planting 'l1I1(1éI' timber-culture Rvbffk, Mary R, ¤d”•i”*6"“"'*-V: _ { act extended in case of destruction paymeuvt; to .. . . . · . ..-·- · ·-··- 647 » by _ , 1 , , , . . . .,.. 114 Robfm?. Adam". d06em6d; Rocky Mountama, RJ>b:;yme;1rt§1 estate cf. ..-·- ·---------·- 647 . oppropriutionsfor geographical, ctc., survcgac 395 r . . · i'. . . . . .. . . . . . . ‘ pagrzent to ,. . . . . -..·- ·· · -·--- 647 geog·m(;;hioo,1,etc., surveys of, discontinued- , 394 Roberts, Thomas H., administrator, Rodehafor, William, payment to ________ ____ _ _______ _____,,,_, 647: payment to . . . . -... . . 565 Roberts, Willhm, Roden, John M., payment to csygtc of.. . . . . 631 Pglaymrina . ...-.. . . . . . . ..--.. 651 Roberts Willmm . w em, 1 ., paynicut to ____:__ _____ _ ____ _ _ _____ _ ____, 508 { paysncut to -..- . . - . .-... 651 Robertson, Eliza, _L___ . Bode7V0k. G60"90 W;. 634 payment to _ _____ _ _____ _ ____ _ _,... . ..,.. boa · paymont to . . . . . -.--- ·--· ·--- Robertson, E. W., I R°d”"'°]"· 'I°8q’h* 634 contested-e]ccti0D BXPGBBBS Of- ·· -·· · · ---— - 400 , payment to "i' " "" "' '' °"°' Roberison, J. C., E Rodcs, Dangerjic d, 418 a ment tc .. ..-- . ··-·· · ·-··- ---- 562 payment to ---··-------·-·---- -- -- -----· - l p y Robertson, .L J., I Rodgers, Thomas, deceased, 508 mimbumcmwt of _ _____ _ _ _ ____ ___,,_ 497 payment to estate of .-. .. ...- Bobengon, L_ A_, I Rodgers, Thomas B., 636 payment to ... -.. . . . . 504 { payunsmt t0_ .. . . . Robertson, Samuel B., Fo6W; J D:¢:*`w. 508 Pension to _____ _________ ___ _____, , ,,.,. 608 payrucu 0 .. -·--- . .-·-- ·-·- ----·· - -----