Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/961

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936 IN rmx, Pago. Pago. Statolatabal Bureau, Stcgner, Lawrence, appropriation for salaries in .. . . .. 187 payment to .. . . .. .. . . 636 Stations, · Steiner, Jacob, deceased, quarters, how furnished to officcrs of Army Y payment to estate of.. . , .- .-.- 518 at military _ ,_ ,,__ , __,,, , ,,, 151 Steiner, Maogq, administralrax, Statuary Hall, payment to .. . . .. 518 appropriation for care, ctc., of .. -. . t. . 401 Stenographero, cxhibmions of private works of art, ctc., m, aPP,.0p,.ia_mms fm. Payment to cm-tain ____ 238, 4(jl

 ... ...--. ·..·   Sfepfwywy Jgghua E_’

Statuc of General Greene, payment to ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ ___________ 524 site for, designated .. . ... . . 7 Stephens, Mary, $ € 0°» pa-yment to .. . . .. . ... 636 appropriation for editing, ctc.. .. . . 184 ,g;(,ph_e,,80,,, Sarah AU S¢¢n~·w» Rim, W-, payment to .. . . . . . . 661 appropriation for improvement of . 371 ,g;,p]w,,,,,,,,, William nj examination and survey oi, from Roanoke pension tojncmumf ______________ ____ ____ 51] Depot to Brook Neal .. . . ... . 161 ,gm,,,,,,_ l;,,,,.,,,.,,,;,, RU Swim 1?¤wM¤, pmmmt to ,... ...,.. ,_,,,,,,___, 641 of District ofC0l]1mbia; penalty .. 23 Steve},,, Htm,ry,

(  ¥ W  . . . ¤ payment to .. . . . , . . . , 665

appropriations for dcfic1cnc1cs for cxpen- 125 j Swvmm, H,,,,,.,, JU

 ·---   ··-···   ··‘··*······•   E mentto  . . ,,,,.,,, ,,,, ,__, ____ U

disposition of property used in connection a Sig?;,, Nicholas, with experiments in . . - . . . .. 125 payment to ______ _ _ _________ _ ____ __ ______ 651 $$¢W B0 W 8» Sicvcne S. A. and Com an purchase of pla.te·ir0u, ctc., for, of naval vcs- pmylfleut tj ______ _ _ _________________ ug

SS P $ $ ····--··   ···--··           , Stepgpgqm, Rkehard, dgceqggd,

S E 9 €€ 9» { heirs, surctics, etc., of, released from bond., 627 naval engineers may be detailed as profess- ; Swenson JOM h ors oi, in scientific schools . . 322 t t ,. swam En mem. Nav » P Y P . ---· -··- ---- ·---- -·--

. . $2   - · Stcvmsmz Wolham J.

appr0p1i_m.tion or salumes, atc., m Bureau 198 pavmeht to 562 for dagartment of . . . . . . 54, 289 {QQgj:Qf 559 for eficiencies in .. . . .. .. 122 Stgvér, Edlvaratd '’'‘ ‘' '‘‘‘' '‘' Steam Enggncrjy, puyniaut to . l :¤· - - 556 appropriations for department oi, at Naval Suwar, Elimwui '°` ‘‘ Acugbing -·---·------·- - ---- ---·--- 55,290 ,,,,5,,,;,,,,,, m __ __ _ _ 524

.    . { ;Stewar¢ Faymigti          

appropmation for . ... 381 3 uhm, to 655 Swan Mavhiwry, | S,§w;} ,,, Gm,. QW ‘‘‘·‘‘ ····‘ ····· ····· apipropriations for, for naval vessels. . .54, % a amt tg 655 0rNava.l Academy-. . . . -... 55,290\ y ·‘‘‘ ‘'·’‘ ···· ····· Steam Mm pm, M Y., q ¢ J¤ · Hmm 4¤~~d· S apprgpriutiou for site for lighthouses at . . . . 380 S,£®m 2L;;g ‘'‘' ''‘ warm endora, appropriations for building, for lighthouse S, $ ; E ‘‘'’’‘ °'‘ ’‘'‘‘'‘’‘ service- . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 QT 655 Steam- Vessel, S, T 3 h ‘‘' '’ ’’’°’ '’ appropriation for c0ns ructiug, for hatching < ggggricui 3; 641

   '‘‘`   '‘‘``'`'‘'’     I Stewart, Samuel LC

Steamboat Routes, 3 me t t 655 apfpropriation for mail transportation on .. 357 Stgwg _, gg13a;,; ’'‘' ‘‘‘‘ '‘‘°‘ '’‘ ‘‘‘ or deficiencies in .. . . . . 426 t J 64,,, Steamer B. and .L Bam, 1 Y _ Q ·~---· -·---·-·-·- --·-· - ·---· payment tcwidows, etc., of Poisons lost 0D_ S'BICGTt, I lllIGm H., of G807 gi , ggmmw gum", paymc11t:,tg .. . . . . . . . . 655 accounts of ohicors, ctc., of .. .. 498 _ { » Hq _ _ _ payment to widows, cmu nf pm-mn 10,;, in , clmm cf, rgforrcd to Clsums 00mm1am0n.. . 566 wmck of ______ _ _____ ____ ______ ____ 4W I Stewarf, Wgllgam ]]_, lrugfgg, relief of survivors of wreck of -.. . . 497 pflyllléuf fc - ·.--.-... -. .. 565 5mm,, D6 Wm, Stwfcl, Jacob L, and C0., pgymguttg _ _____ _ _____ _ ____, _ ____, , ,____ 935 payment to . ...,, , .,______ ,__ ____ ____ 507 Steed, Collur A., Steembcrg, Louaaa, payment to . . . . . .. . . 661 payment to . . . . . . 562 Steal, Stmlcs, R. MZ, appropriation for machine for testing .. 223 I P Y! ¤ t ···· ···· - ·--- · ·· -- -- - · 520 machine for testing, to be set up; uso of. . . 223  » Steel, Thomas, ’ glrawbacks on exported . .. . . . . .. 342 payment to . .,,, , ____ ____ ______ _ _____ 125 Stnwon, Adam, Steck, finn W, PGQTSMYD to ---·-- - - ·----· . - - . . - .---.- . . 512 pensmn to ,..,_... .., . . . . ($19 Slocla, _ _ _ · gmk, Yming Eqappropmatyms for uyterest on ccrtam, bapayment to _ _ _ ,,__ ____ __ __________________ 5,15 longing to Indmn trust funds . -.. ..,, 86, 315 Steering-Sigaqlc. Smkeg, Hmm], upprvprumous for, for Navy .. 51, 286 paymezm; m .,.,...,,_,_ ,, , _ ,_,, , ,__,_ _ _ _ _ 634 Sleger, Jamea H, administrator, I Staltz, Samuel, P3¤y¤¤0¤i9 to . . . . . . . . . . 558 payment to ,_,,,.,.____, , ____ , ,,___ , __,__ 657