Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/969

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944 INDEX. P3 5, l PR G. Transfers, g l Treasury Departme1zt—Continued. g of appropriations for Pay Department, I official postage-stamps for .. ,. . 206 Army, authorized .. .--. 146 5 additional special agents oi, authorized.. . 187 for Quartermaster’s Department 148 l accounting officcrs oi, to settle accounts of of balances of pension appropriations for goimnissioners, etc., of District of 10 1879. ., . . . . 2671 oum iu. .. .. .- 5 of mail contracts .. . . . 62 · one moigtlrs extra pay to discharged em- 86 Tramimt .N’ewa a ers, p oyés of . . - ...- .--. 1 classiiicatiorinolé postage on ... 359 A Treaties, see also Cowvcntiona, Transient Paupera, appropriations for fulfilling stipulations of appropriations for support of, in District of ; Indian . . . - - . . . . 66, 297 Columbia ..- .. -.. . 223,389 { tonnage tax collgetefl in contravention ot, 71 Transient Regulaiions, i may be re um et . . . .. .. 1 under International Weights and Measures with Mexico, distribution of awards under. 144 Convention. . .. 722 { of Washipgton, payment of iisheries award Transit Charges l un er. . . . . . . . -. 241 under Univeisal Postal Union Convention. 735 L with Great Briiain, trade-marks.-.. .. 703 for closed mails from Great Britain., .. 699 > with Samoan Islands, friendship and comfrom Victoria . ... . . .-.. 704 mercc . . .. . 704 Transportation, of 1858 with Japan, annulled in part. . 79l appropriations for, of Army .. .. . . 2, 147 Dea Gulturc, for deticicncies in . . . ... .44, 126, 390, 423 i entry of land on western prairies for purof officers of Army .. . . . 127 I pose of, terms and conditions, etc. .. 113 at Military Academy ... 109, 261 { relief in case of grzisshoppcr ravages. ., 169 of Marine Corps. . .. . . 56,291 I notice of contest under acts in relation to, of Indian supplies .. . . ... . 85, 314 [ where to be published. . . . .. 91 immediately available .. .. .--. 316 { Trees, of mails .. . . . -- . .- -. .. 142, 143, 357, 358 { what, to be propagated in public greenibr deiieieneies in . ..9, 45, 259, 420, 424 l houses. . . . - -.-- 220 of securities . . . . .. .. .. 216, 3831b·entR6ver, M G., of coin and bullion ; proviso 275 appropriation for improvement of . 371 of Army and mail, credits to Paciiic Rail— 0 I hexmiiiation and survey of . . -- . -. 16) wa s or .. . . . . 42 enum IJ, of mails, host of, to be ascertained; report. 358 l appropriation for court-house building at.- 211 new urety may be required, etc., on cou- for deiicieneies in . . . . .. . . . - ,,.. 43 tracts for . . . .. . . .- . . 362 condemned cannon for sold.iers’ monument form of advertisement for certain. . . 61 at . - . . . . . .. . 325 subletting; subcontract to be tiled. . .. . - 62 Treapasacc on Public Lands, on water-routes without advertising. 62 appropriation for deficiencies for investigatpay to railways for, to be reduced ... 142 ing .. . . ..-. , ,,. 46 in bond, privileges oi, extended to Bath, Me. 63 , Trespaeaing, Trapnall, Mrs. E. O., I on lands in District of Columbia, in hunt- Trpayrngnt to ... -.. .. . . . . . . 503 T éng, prlplubitgd, penalty .,.. -. , ,,,,, 135 app-m , revor urry cccaac , wild birds and water-fowl in District of Co- ¤ transportation of remains of . .. . . 587 D Mluinbia, penalty .. -.-.. 135Trewhm, 11 L., ave g upencea, I ayment to .. .. . .. . .. 648 appropriation for deficiencies for, of Army. 126 I Trl)bl1le, Thomas A., _ of agents at Alaska seal fisheries,. . . 8 i payment to __,, _ _ , ,,... , ,,_,, _ _ __ ,_______ 504 actual, to be allowed to Superintendent of , Trimble, Isaac R., Railway Mail Service. . .. . .. 356 , political disabilities. ... ,..,.. 623 to chief of special agents, postal service. 356 1 Trinidad Harbor, Cal., Travis, J0};ntA., | Texamination and survey of . . . , . . .,__,, 374 paymen o . . .. . . . . .. 42 ; rinity River, Tec., Tr0•1dH¢wen Creek Md., { appropriations for improvement of mouth examination and survey of. . . . 373 · of . ,,.. .,.. .. ,_ ., ,,,,____ 156,365 Treadwell, James B., l examination and resurvey of, from mouth Trpeusiou E12.'; gt. . . .. . .. 594 i T Sto bfidlge of Great Northern Railroad. 37.; eauurcr ni c a ea rinity hoa a. appropriation for salaries in office o£ . ... . 186 l appropriation for ligl1t—ship and fog-signal to perform duties of sinking-fund commis· at _,,, , ,,,..,_,, , __,,, ____ _ ____ ____ 339 sioners of District of Columbia . 107 * Trowell, Jllary P., as sinking-fund commissioner of District of payment to ,. . , , , . - . , .. . . 658 Columbia. to advertise bonds for sale 259 Troxel, John, to rgrlgsm qgrtaiu bonds,,,,,, _,_, , ,__,__ 260 payment t0______ ,___,_ _ _,_____, ,_,______, 634 disposition of colored soldiers’ pay andTroye, bounty funds in hands .. . .. 403 · equestrian portrait of General Scott by, to Trcaa·u·ry Building, Washington, D. C.,be hun in the Capitol .. . ... 239 Trszppropgations fdr annual repairs of . . 210, 378 Q Trujillo, Jesus Alarm, wry ppqrtmcn , pa»yu1e¤t to . . .. . . -... . ... 636 appropriations for salaries, etc., in-.. .. 184 I Trusacll, Laura, tor deficiencies in. . . ..., . ,, 8, 42, 46 · payment to ____ _ _____ _ ___________ _ _____ __ (34; for contingent expenses of .. . . . .. .. 217 Trusaea, for printing and binding for .. . 5307, 399 to be furnished soldiers, sailors, etc., mpfor deficiencies in . . . . ..., - ..,, 417 tumd in service, _____ _ _________ __ __ {,5;; for public buildings under direction of.209, 377 l Trust Funds, for purchase of books for library of . 385 · appropriations for interest on certain Infor deficiencies for .. . . . .413, 421 | dian, ,_,_, ,_ __, ,_____ __ _____________ 86, 315