x LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Nevada, land grant. An act to grant the State of Nevada lands in lieu of the sixteenth and thirty- 287 sixth sections in said State. June 16, 1880 . I 1 ... _ . . . . .. - . Hot Springs, land titles. An act for the establishment of titles in Hot Springs, and for other pur- 288 1><>¤¤¤· J¤¤<¤1<i,1860· ---.» .-·. , ----.-- ---- - ---- ;- ---------- ;- ---- --;---1{--S,-,--} Colmwdo, mileage of jurors. An act in relation to the mileage of Jurors and witnesses 111 the a e o Colorado. Juno1G, 1880 . .. .. .- .. z...-.:,.-,. .. 290 Dakola Yrrritory, land gran 1*. An act granting to the erritory of Dakota section thirty-six, in township number fifty-six north, of range number nmetygfonr west, 1D the county of Yankton, in said 'l‘erritory, for the purposes of an asylum for the insaneiland granting to said Territory one section of lanal, in lieu of said thirty-sintli section, for sc ool purposes. June 16, 1880.. 290 Mu¢·hinis!s in the Navy. An not relating to machinists in the Navy. Juno 16,1 1880 ,-:._-. .- . 290 I¤’e¤·i.·w¢l Slalulcs, 3244 anwndcd, dealers in Icajitobacco. All act to ameudtho sixt subdivision of section thirty-two liundred and forty—iour of the Revised Statutes of the United States. J 11116 16, 1880- 291 Orca! and Litilc Osage Indians, trcaty of 1867. An act to carry into effect the second and Slxteenth nriieles of the treaty between the United States mid the Great and Little Osage Indians, prool:1.i1ned January twenty—iirst, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. J 11i1Q 16, 1880 ---. 291 rlyricullurul Ihyiartmcnf, approprialions. An act making a.ppropr1ationsfortbe_Agmcu tural Department of the goverinnent for the llscal year ending une thirtleth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and for other purposes. June 16, 1880. .. ---- - -·----- · ----- --_-— ---- 292 Joint Commission, Convention bctwccn the United States and French Republic. An act 'to constitute :1. Joint Commission for carrying into effect the Convention between the United States andthe French Republic for the settlement of certain claims of the citizens of•0l.bl1GI‘ country against the others signed at Washington on the fifteonth day of January, eighteen hunched and 296 eighty. uno 16, 1880.. . . .. -.. .. . . . . . RESOLUTIONS. Holy Communion Church Instilulc. Joint resolution to transfer the arsenal property in theeity. of Charleston, South Carolina, to the trustees of the Iloly Communion Church Institute for the uso and neconuuodation of said school. December 19, 1879 . . ... . ... .. 299 Smilhaonian lnatilulion. Joint resolution filling existing vacancies in the Board of Regents of the Smillisonian Institution. December 19, 1879 , . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 299 ldmploycs of Fongresx. Joint resolution autliorizing payment of the salaries of the employes of Con-
on the nineteenth of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine. December 19, 99 -
N. ... . . .. ... . ... . . . ... .. . . 2 Hoi Springs Reservation. Joint resolution touching the Hot Springs Reservation in the State of Arkansas. January 14, 1880 . .. .. .. ., .,,.,,.,,,_, 299 Rctaincll pcrccntagcs on certain contracts. Joint resolution to correct au error in the act "making appropria1~ions for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtiul ii, eighteen hundred and eighty, and lor other purposes? January 23, 1880 .. ... . 300 Public ,1,and Coigmigaggri. Joint resolution authorizing certain printing for the Land Commission. . auuaryt, .. .. . ... -, , .,,,. , _,,,,,..,__,____ _ __.___ . ..._ 300 Filling up grounds’a0nlh of Capitol. Joint resolution making an appropriation for filling up, draining, and placing in mod sanitary condition the grounds south of the Capitol, along the line of the old canal, and for other purposes. February 4, 1880. _____ ____ __ ______ _ _____ _ _____ gg;) Slorcliozmc and depot at Omaha, Ncbr. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to expend a sum of money heretofore appropriated for the erection of a storehouse and depot building ut the city of ()mn,h5,, in the State e;|;'Nebr;1,5k;;,, February 5, 1880 ____, _ __________ _ __ _ _ ____ 301 American Ephcmcris and Nautical Almanac. Joint resolution for printing the American Ephemeris . myd Nmitiqal A_1m;],]m,(;_ F(5]_)ru;),)_·y 11, 1880 _ _____ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _________ _ _ ______ 301 Fishery Exhibition. J oiut resolution concerning an international fishery exhibition to be held in Berlin, Germany, in April, eighteen hundred and eighty. February 16, 1880 _____, . ,,,_ 301 Zachariah (lhandlcr, dcccascd, culogics. Joint resolution to print the eulogies delivered in the two houses of ()(mgre55 upon the lute Zggligrrjah Cligndlgr, February 17, 188()_ __________ __ _ _ 302 Rush Clark, zlcccascd, cnlogics. Joint resolution for printing the eulogies delivered in the Senate Elie House of Representatives upon honorable Rush Clark, deceased. February 25 1880. . 302 Approprialion for Rc;/`orm School, District of Columbia. Joint resolution making appropriations the Reform School of the District of Columbia. February 25, 1880 .. . . .. . . 302 M. M. Ilcrr and mcsamrgera of Scnalc, appropriation for. Joint resolution ior the relief of M- Hcrr, and to pay three messengers of the Senate. February 25, 1880 I I 303 Poor of Ireland. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to transport for the rg] igf of fhg suffering poor of ]Q]_·3]g,Dd_ Feb;-u3,;·y 25, 1880 ______ _ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ R0'} Report ipitlflzclepo Huzbanzgp. Jpintbresolutiog to authorize the printing of thirteen thousand i ( o o por .011 eep us a,n( ry. rill 1880 ___,______ , _,__ __ , _,__, _ __,,_ , ,,., , ,. ' ])ouble;t)u;·;f;Ie::rgrip[:1:éo:1;0 i)]'1o;sr;tu:es,o)1;1£;,>;:)udi)1§><:,1]Enig1 tig Secretary of th? Navy to organize a board 303 · o ou c- urre ec mom r .. · ' cost of completing said vessels. April 2, 1880 .. . . . . . .. li .Si’.1u?d.i;h0 Pmpmcty mm 303 Legal holidays, employee of Govcrnnwnt Printing Office. Joint resolution providing for wages to employes in the Government Printing Office for leoal holidays A ril 110 q880 304 Annual Report of Chid Signal Ojiccr. Joint resolution authorizing the printiu land bindin U H0auha;1reggg;i;iel8cg;;L¢;s_o:' Iyopczrt of She Ehief pignal Officer of the Army. Ailril 22, 1880 g 0 304 rw 0 oum za. om 1‘es0u' " · "`Z"° Thwwsgaligfs YOQEEG Distyict tof Col;n€bja,_ API-H 24E1g3S1g ‘ll"lll}0¤<><>S Mid ri gu- 304 . e crsona cs c. om reso u ion acce . tin rl-" ````````` in writing the Declaration of Indepcnclelnceé Nljirigllggf .(l(?1? }iSi?(l-i)Y.Th0maS Jefferson 30* G"°"”°..‘.l.i’{Yii§€f§$".fi°i§Z§Z2i$ZiZ€€f€;. {FEES i°§§]iE2°‘€° "“"§“i§ °“1°l‘**°“ "°““"‘°5 lh. ll'-; lééirié 0 Oi~Ai.i,.m... April tt, sa. ¥ .. ?..-‘?°‘g° ‘ °“”“’“’ “S°““"“°’ "`°'“ “‘° S°“*° W ‘'‘'‘‘ · ·······-·-· · ---·- - ------ -·- . 1