78 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 60. 1880. and at pleasure dispose of all such real and personal estate as may be required in order to carry into effect the provisions of this act. Commissioners. Sec. 4. That said commissioners, two for each State and one from Appointment. each Territory and the District of Columbia, shall be appointed within sixty days from the passage of this act, by the President of the United States, on the nomination of the governors of the States and Territories l respectively, and by the Presideiitfrom the District of Columbia ;_ and in the same manner and within the same time there shall be appointed Ainmiatc com- two alternate commissioners from each State and one from each ¤¤iS¤i<>¤¤¤‘¤· ritory of the United States and the District of Columbia, as provided Duties on in section two, who shall assume and perform the duties of such commissioner or commissioners as may be unable to attend the meetings of the said eoinmission. . _ Place of ¤¤<><>i- Sec. 5. That the said United States International Commission shall “‘g· hold its meetings in the city of New York, and that a majority of members present at the first meetings provided for in section nine shall be Q¤w¤·¤¤¤¤- competent for the transaction of business, and the commission shall indicate by by-law the number requisite thereafter for a quorum. The Rum myd om- commission shall have full power to make all needful rules for its govccm. ernment, and to appoint such officers as in its judgment shall be advisable. Snbmissicm to Sec. 6. That the said commission shall submit to Congress for their (2‘{"·‘€"°*'·*·‘. ”· mlm consideration at the first session after the appointment of commissioners, ms,,‘:]]?‘;{HK,]3}f{} as herein provided, a suitable date for opening and closing the exhibiiiio or ceremonies, tion ; a schedule of appropriate ceremonies for opemng and dedicating &e. the same, the requisite custom-house regulations for the introduction into this country of any articles from foreign countries intended for exhibition, and such other matters as in their judgment may be important. 1T*`9Vi¤l°¤¤ lbf Sec. 7. That whenever the President of the United States shall be °“‘ld“‘g°‘ informed by the governor of the State of New York that provision has been made for the erection of suitable buildings for the purpose, and tbr the exclusive control of the grounds and buildings by the corpora- President to tion herein provided for, the President, if alter due examination he shall H} ak ¤ 1>¤>¤1M¤q·- deem the preparations adequate, shall, through the Department of State,
make proclamation of the same, setting forth the time at which the
,.,. ,,.L,,,(,,,,,£,,,L,, of exhibition will open and close, and the place at which it will be held; ini nations and and he shall communicate to the diplomatic representatives of all nations, cqirgrrgcnd the ex- copies of the same, together with such regulations as may be adopted by h'b**‘°”· the commission, for publication in their respective countries, and shall in behalf of the government and people commend the exhibition to all foreign nations who may choose to take part therein. Capital stock. Sec. 8. That the said commission shall have authority and is hereby Amount. empowered to receive subscriptions of capital stock to an amount not Shares. exceeding twelve millions of dollars, to be divided into shares of ten Ijayincnt of sub- dollars each, and each subscriber shall pay not less than ten per cent ¤<=¤P*¤<>¤- of his subscription at the time he subscribes; and said commission shall Cortincates. issue to the subscribers of the stock certiiicates therefor, under its corporate seal, which certificates shall bear the signature of its president, 'fransferalile. secretary, a11d treasurer, and be transferable under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed for the purpose. All holders of said stock Votes. shall be entitled to one vote on each share in the election of a finance . Proceeds ¤f committee, to be elected as hereinafter provided. The proceeds of said °°°°k· stock, together with the receipts from any and all other sources, shall be used by said corporation for the erection of suitable buildings, with their appropriate and necessary fixtures and appurtenances, and for all other expenditures required in carrying out the objects of this act. Minutes cr pm- And the said corporation shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings eeedings. and full accounts with the vouchers thereof, and the same shall always v0%:,;’e‘;él"*’S and be open to the inspection of any member or shareholder in the corpora- Open to mpw tion, or to any committee appointed by such members or shareholders tion. authorized to examine the same. -