Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/159

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FORTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1880. 129 Support of Chippewas on White Earth reservation: For this amount Otter Tail, Pills- - or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended, under the §;b }°°?“bl”“· @(1 direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the care and support of the mmmppl V?,??,; Otter Tail, Pillager, Pembina, and Mississippi Chippewa Indians, on ite,?:? holizcsmttthe White Earth reservation in Minnesota, and to assist them in their- tionagricultural operations, five thousand dollars. For subsistence and civilization of the confederated tribes and bands in Middle Oregon, and for pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. _For subsistence and civilization of the D’Wamish and other allied Uwiimlsh Wd Egglpgagré gglasxhéngton Territory, including pay of employees, eleven ' 0 . For subsistence and civilization of the Flatheads and other confedera- t lilatheads; emlzled gribgsé pay of employees and of Indian chiefs, thirteen thousand five P1°Yé°- un re dollars. For subsistence and civilization of the Gros Ventres in Montana, Gros Ventres in twenty-five thousand dollars. _ M°¤‘¤¤¤==i· For support and civilization of the Kansas Indians, including agricul- Kansas Indians. tural assistance and pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. For subsistence and civilization of the Makahs, including pay of Makahs; pay of employees, seven thousand dollars. ¤¤iI>l<>yé¤- For support andcivilization of the Modoc Indians now residing within Modoes in In - the Indian Territory, five thousand dollars. dim T¤¤ii<>ry· For the support of the Tonkawa Indians at Fort Griffin, Texas, four Tonkawa Indithousand eight hundred dollars. vm at Fort Griffin- For support and civilization of J oseph’s band of Nez Perces Indians J`oseph’s N e z in the Indian Territory, nftcen thousand dollars. P¤i‘¤6¤- For support, civilization, and education of the Dlackfeet, Bloods, and Bla e k r" e o 1., Piegans, including pay of employees, forty thousand dollars. B1c>cds,&Piegans. Support of Chippewas of Lake Superior: For support and civilization Chippewas o £ of the Chippewas of Lake Superior, to be expended for agricultural and Lake Superioreducational purposes, pay of clerk and necessary employees, purchase of goods and provisions, and for such other purposes as may be deemed for the best interests of said Indians, fiteen thousand dollars. For support of smith and shop, during the pleasure of the President, as per twelfth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and seventh article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, six hundred dollars. For support of two farmers, during the pleasure of the President, as per same articles and treaties, one thousand two hundred dollars ; in all, sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars. For support, education, and civilization of the Mixed Shoshones, Ban- M ix e d s 11 o- nocks, and Sheepeaters, including pay of employee , twenty-five thou- ;l;<é¤&0g)°;gg::°» sand dollars. ` For subsistence and civilization of the Qui-nai-elts and Quil-leh-utes, Qui-nai-elts and including pay of employees, six thousand dollars. Qui!-i¤h·¤¢<>¤· For support of industrial schools and for other educational purposes Schools and edufor the Indian tribes, seventy-five thousand dollars. for I¤d¤f~¤ For subsistence and civilization of the S’Klal1am Indians, including _S’Klallam In- . pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. diam- For subsistence and civilization of the Walla—Walla, Cayuse, and Uma- Walla wana. tilla tribes, including pay of employees, fourteen thousand dollars. ggguizgmggd Uma- For support and civilization of the Wicliitas and aiiiliated bands, in- Wichita bands. cluding pay of employees, twenty thousand dollars. _ _ For subsistence and civilization of the Yakamas, including pay of Yakamas. employees, twenty-two thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ For education and civilization of the Indians within the hm1ts_of the _ c e ntral Superlate Central Superintendency, including clothing, food, and lodging for mi<>ii<l¢¤¤y· the children attending school, eighteen thousand dollars. Support of Indians at Fort Peck agency: For tlus amount, to be ex- F o r 1: P e o k pended in such goods, provisions, andother useful articles as the Presi- Ag¤¤¤S’· dent may, from time to time, determine, in instructing m agriculimral xxi--9