Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/175

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 107, 108. 1880. ]:45 the Interior shall make all rules and regulations necessary to carry into rules and regulaeifect the provisions of this act. #i¤¤¤· Sec. 6. That nothing in this act shall be construed to interfere in- any manner with the operation of the town-site laws as applicable to these lands: Provided, That all claims for entry under said statutes shall be Promo. proved up and fully paid for, before the day nxed for the commencement of the public sales provided for in section three of this act. Sec. 7. In all cases arising under.this act interest at the rate of five Interest. per cent per annum shall be computed and paid upon all that part of the purchase money in respect to which time is given for the payment of the same. ‘ Approved, May 28, 1880. CHAP. 108.-An act to amend the laws in relation to internal revenue May 28, 1880_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That section thirty-two hun. R. S. 3260, dred and sixty of the Revised Statutes of the United States be amended Am°”d°d- by striking out the word "double", in the fourteenth line of said sec tion, and inserting after the word "days", in the nfteenth line of said section, the following: "But in no case shall the bond exceed the sum BOM limited_ of one hundred thousand dollars ". Sec. 2. That section thirty-two hundred and sixty-two of the Revised R_ S_ 3262, Statutes of the UnitedStates be amended by adding to the end the Amended. words following: And provided also, That the collector may at any time, at the discretion of the Commissioner, accept such bond as is authorized DjStj]_]€,I·’S bond to be given by the distiller in lieu of the written consent of the owner increase of. ’ of the fee in the case of a distillery erected prior to July twentieth, ‘ eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, notwithstanding such distillery has since then been increased by the addition of land or buildings adjacent or contiguous thereto, not owned by the distiller himself in fee; such bond to be for and in respect of such addition only, if the distillery be one which the distiller owns in fee or in respect to which he has procured the written consent of the owner of the fee or other incumbrance, otherwise to be for and in respect of the entire distillery as increased by such addition? Sec. 3. That section thirty-two hundred and eighty-tive of the Revised R. S. 3285, Statutes of the United States be amended by striking out all after said Amendmnumber and substituting therefor the following: “Evry fermenting- _Ferrnenting petub shall be emptied at or before the end of the fermenting period; no “°d hm1*°d· iermentingtub in a sweet-mash distillery shall be filled oftener than once in seventy-two hours, nor in a sour-mash distillery oftener than once in ninety-six hours, nor in a rum distillery oftener than once in one hundred and forty-four hours." Sec. 4. That the joint resolution approved March twenty-eighth, 1818,Ree.16, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, be aud the same hereby is, repealed , gmt-, 190, 249, and that section thirty-two hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Rf*§f’§2?,3· Statutes of the United States, as amended by an act entitled “An act Am,md0d’by act to amend the laws relating to internal revenue", approved March first, Mar ch 1, 1879, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, be amended by striking out all after ¤#m<·>¤d°d· the said number, and substituting therefor the following: " The distiller or owner of all spirits removed as aforesaid to the distillery warehouse shall, on the first day of each month, or within five days thereafter, enter the same for deposltm such warehouse, under such regulations as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may prescribe. Said entry shall be in triplicate, and shall contain the name of the person making the entry, the designation of the warehouse in which the deposit is made, and the date thereof, and shall be ID the following form: xxi-10