Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/194

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164 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 127,128,1%,130,131. 1880. Continental Ow- dollars, for the purpose, and t0_ be used by sad:} society in earryiuér out £"°"» 17 "¤’°°· and c011suu1ma,tiug the resolutxon of the Coutxnental Congress 0 the United States of America, passed Octolger fourth, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, providing for the ereetmu of a, monument to the memory of Brigadier-Genera.] Herkimer, wpo commaudeq at the battle of Oriskrmy, and was there “ki1led fnghting ga.11am11y m defence of the liberties of these Sba.tes". Approved, J u11e S, 1880. ’ P. 28.-A t thth S fW t transfertotgh Fair 17

  g$l< Art Assoc;:,;?;; ghgrksy ggggemgeggggg gmmgg, 1% be used in the emcggnrzf

an equesmau statue to the lute Ma,j01·-Genera-1 George Gordon Meade. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rvpmsmtativvc of the United Mu,j0r—Genera.l States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, G<><>¤‘g¤ G<>r<1<>n and he is hereby, authorized and directed to transfer to the Faumoqnt M%*d°· t . Park Art Association (am corporation created by the laws ofPennsy1van1a) stat,?,? °° I ‘ "'D thirty condemned bronze cannon, to be used by the said association for the erection of a. bronze equestrian statue of bhe late Major-General George Gordon Meade within the limits of the city of Philadelphia. Approved, June 8, 1880. CHA.P.1.—A mn th' thPresid tm 'ta om f¢hN

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and so forth, and to fix the and pay of such offxcer. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United J udgo—Adv0cate- States of America in 'Oongress assembled, Tha/b the President of the g°¤°"’·l ° f **1** United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, for the term °‘vy' of four years, by and with the advice and ~e0nse’11b 0i' time `SBHEWG, from the officers of the Navy or the Marine Corps, a judgesmdvocazte-general of the Navy, with the rank, pay, and allowances bf a. captain in the Navy or a colonel in the Marine Corps, as the case may be. And tvhe office of the said judge·adv0ca»te-general shall be in the Navy Department, where he shall, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, receive, revise, and have recorded the proceedings of1m courts-ma.rtia.l, courts of inquiry, and boards for the examination of omcers Jfor retirement and promotion in the naval service, and perform such other duties as have heretofore been performed by the solicitor and naval judgeadvocate-general. Approved, June 8, 1880. June 8, 1880. CHAP. 130.-An uct: to authorize the Secretmy of War to furnish four ioces of -·-—-—-;———· com iron condemned ordnance for the soldiers monumetxtm Marietta, Ggio. _ Be it enacted py (he Senate and House %hRepresenta&1?ves of the United S $l<>1<{¤1%r¤’ ¤¤<% States of America pn Congress assembled, at phe Secretary of Wm- be Ag;&;';t,O‘;f§¥“L‘&‘;_ amthorazed to furmsh to the S0ldiers’ and S2.il0rs’ Monument Association, dmaawumugton of Washmgton County, Ohio, from the condemned ordnance of the County, 0. United States, four pieces of cast iron cannon for the s0li1iers’ monument recently erected in the public park in the city of Mdribfm, ?Wa.s‘lringt0n County, Ohio. Approved, June 8, 1880. J 8 1880. CHAP. 131.-A t t thtb Se f W ‘ ·t¤!n· -

  • .*32.-. sm of South EEZ2m.; 31.1 3E?;, O? c°E§¤4”LZs°c,u2Z $3, the ¤‘§Z°§f*2’hZh¤‘i¤?3}.

Artillery. . . Be it emctad by the Senate and House of Representatives o the Un·'tcd C(?,{1?,”;g';%°;1}1°Q{ States of America iu_ Congress assembled, That whe Secreterfof Wergpe Carolina. and he IS hereby, chrected to deliver to the governor of the Stetse of