168 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. IL C11. 161, 162. 1880. Penalty- or cigars, shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding five thousand dollars or imprisoned DOE I!1 0Tz tg1 &Hé3 §1Ié€3 §’ 6M€ ; £a:;1§%1g b3cc0, suuif, or ci urs so relsmded slm we o eit 0 e n1 a . R- S- 3357- · éémo. 2. That section thirty-three hundred and fifty-seven of the Re- ‘m·:fg§"°‘1 ““d"°‘ vised Stetdtes of the United States be amended and re·e11a,cted so as to ` read as fol ows: “ Every collector sha.11 keep ai record in a book or books provided for the purpose, to be open to the inspection of any person, of the mime and residence of every person engaged in the msmufaotnire of tobacco or suuif in his district, the place where such manufacture is carried on, and the number of the maimifaotory. And he shiaill enter in sag;1 record, ngidéer the name of each manufacturer at copy o every iuven ry require y law to be made by such mmmfecturer, and an abstract of his monthly Muuufzwtorics of rc1 urns. Amd he shall cause the several m:mufa.ctor1es of tobacco or
- °b¤°°°»¥¤¤*¤l***¤‘d snuff in his district to be numbered consecutively, which numbers shall
°°“*‘°“"“""'*’· not be thereafter changed, except for reasons satisfactory to himself and approved by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue." Approved, June 9. 1880. ` J imo 9, 1880. CHAP. 162.—A11 act to authorize the Saint Paul umd Chicago Short Line Railway -··——·-—-;-—- Compmig to construct u. bridge across Lake Saint Croix, and to establish it us a. post—rozm . Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representives of the United 8*- PMI Md States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the €f$`?="i§‘?~ mi S‘“"€0.}"”"h ““‘?SF.“i°3€3£*;i‘&“ E}`??333*‘5?tfi°Ta‘€§%f“t§§’*饧?§‘%‘% _ ereu an ex: 11 · g::?:?ybf:i§?gue Wisconsin, to build? ai bridge across the Lake Saint Croix from such ¤<=rq¤¤ I-¤k<· S ¤· point in township number twenty-six north.! of range twenty west of the C’°“‘· fourth principal meridian, in the county of P1erce and State of Wisconsin, as may be hereafter selected by said railway company, to such point in the county of Washington, in the State of Minnesota, as may hereafter be selected by said railway company, and to lay on or over said bridge, railway tracks for the more perfect connection of its railway tracks as they may hereafter be built to the points aforesaid on either side of said p,·,,,,m,_ lake under the limitations and conditions herein: Provided, That said bridge shall not interfere with the free navigation of said lake beyond what is necessary in order to carry into effect the rights and privileges hereby granted, and in ease of any litigation arising from any obstruction or alleged obstruction to the free navigation of said lake, the cause shall be tried before the district court of the United States for the district of Minnesota or the western district of Wisconsin. Sic. 2. That;>,ny brid%e built under tge groggisious of thi? 301; ma.? a e op on 0 sm rm way company e ui as ai mw- ri · wit a. pivot or other form of draw, or with unbroken or e0utiuuousg4spaus: Prwuo. Provided, That if the said bridge shall be made with unbroken and coutinuons spans, it shall not be of less elevation in any case than fifty feet ` above extreme high-water mark as understood at the point of location to tho bottom chord of the bridge; nor shall the span of said bridge be less than two hundred feet m length, and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of the lake, and the main span shall be over the main channel of the lake and not less than two hundred feet in mm. length: And provided also, That if any bridge built under this act shall be constructed as zi draw-bridge, the same shall be constructed as em pivot drew-bridge with a draw over the main channel of the lake dt an accessible and navigable point, and with spans of not less than one . hundred and sixty feet 111 the clear at low-water surface on each side of the central or pivot pier of the draw; and the next adjoining spans to the dmw shall be not less than one hundred and forty feet, and said spans shall not be less than ten feet above extreme high-water mark, and not less than thirty feet above low-water mark measuring to the bottom chord of the budge; and the piers of said bridge sham be parallel