Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/201

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 168,169,170,171. 1880. 171 Iredale said vessel bein now owned b ’‘ ‘. fomm l g y a citizen of San Francisco, Cali Approved, June 9, 1880. CHAP. Zl.69.—An act to rant to the a° s’ Elpldgtm the State of Ioéva, for publiyigaymmme df btglyaorilxuistltcglrl) 1;:;;; Be lt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be, agd is hereby, Title to lake or conveyed to the corporate authorities of the city of Council Bluifs, in l>!¤Y<>¤ €¤¤~¤¢¤·i @0 the State of Iowa, and their successors in office, the title of the United my .°f C° “ “ °“ States to the meandered lake, situated in sections eleven, thirteen, four- Bhd1S' I°w°" teen, Iifteen, twenty-two, and twenty-three, in township seventynve north, range fortyzfour west of the fifth principal meridian of Iowa, upon the express conditions that the premises shall be held for public use, resort, and recreation ;. shall be inalienable for all time; but leases not exceeding ten years may be granted for portions of said premises, all mcomes derived from leases of privileges to be expended in the preservation and improvement of the property, or the roads leading thereto; the premises to be managed by the said corporate authorities, or such commissioners as they may elect, and who shall receive no compensation for their services. r Approved, June 9, 1880. CHAP. 1"I0.—An act to authorize a compromise of the claims of the United States June 9, 1880. under the will of Joseph L. Lewis. ··—-———·—— Whereas, Joseph L. Lewis, deceased, formerly of the city of Hoboken, P*<>¤>»ml>l¤· State of New Jersey, by his will dated iirst October, eighteen hundred J<>¤¤Ph L· Lewis and seventy-three, and a codicil thereto, dated fifth June, eighteen hun- d°°°““°‘1· dred and seventy-ive, bequeathed certain legacies, amounting in all to about forty thousand dollars, and devised and bequeathed the residue of his estate, real and personal, now estimated to be of the value of one million of dollars and upwards, unto his executors therein named, in trust, to apply the same according to their discretion in reducing part of the national debt of the United States, they personally superintending such application in order to prevent waste by dishonest officials ; and Whereas the said will and codicil are now the subject of contestation in the courts of the State of New Jersey by Frances Grace and Catharine G. Ward claiming as the surviving sisters and John S. Catheart as the nephew of Joseph L. Lewis, in which the government of the United States has been and is represented by legal counsel; and 1t is further claimed that said bequest is void, and that the testator had no power to dispose of his said property by his said will in derogation of a prior deed of trust: Therefore, _ _ _ Be lt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatwes of the United 1Q0mr>rqmG<>_t<>(f States of America ln Congress assembled, That the Attorney-General, and gtfxgfg fmdm_“‘(&_ Secretary of the Treasury are hereby authorized, if they see lit, to adjust v,,,, ,,,. 1,,,,,,,,,% or compromise the claims of the United States under the said devise or bequest upon such terms and conditions as hall be deemed by them fair and rea onable. Approved, June 9, 1880. CHAP. 1‘71.—An act to confirm certain entries and jvarrant locations in the former Julie 9» 188O· Palatka military reservation in Florida. _ Be it enacted the Senate and House of Represerttattves of tire United _0¤¤5r¤¤¤ti¤u of States of Amerlcl}tg/in Congress assembled, That in al1_ cases in wh1ch_1ands “"iL‘;*,;;’,2;“fIj·i, ,_ lying within the limits of the former Palatka military reservation in ,,,1,,, ,,,,,,,,,,%,,,1,, Florida have been entered by settlers under the homestead laws, and Florida.