Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/203

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Suss. II. Ch. 189,190. 1880. 173 CHAP. 189.-An act to regulate the compensation of night inspectors of customs. June 10, 1880, Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 R resentattces 0 the n' States of America in Congress assembled, Tlmt ligreafter the cojmpengatitdii Night inspectors to inspectors of customs employed under existing law for service at °f °¤¤*°m¤· night may be increand by the Secretary of the Treasury at such ports . as he may think it advisable so to do to a sum not exceeding three dollars for each night’s service. Sec. 2. That all acts or part of acts being inconsistent with the above BBW1- act are hereby repealed. Approved, June 10, 1880. CHAP. 190.-An act to amend the Statutes in ' tion of dutiable goods, and for dtllizgupilrriptb odhto tmmporm- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That when any merchandise, Transportation other than explosive articles, and articles in bulk not provided for in of d¤*l¤bl¤ s<><>d¤· section four of this act, imported at the ports of New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Portland and Bath, in Maine, Chicago, Port Huron, Detroit, New Orleans, Norfolk, Charleston Savannah, Mobile, Galveston, Pensacola, Florida, Cleveland, Toledo, and San Francisco, shall appear by the invoice or bill of lading and manilest of the importing vessel to be consigned to and destined for either of the ports specified in the seventh section of this act, the collector at the port of arrival shall allow the said merchandise to be shipped immediately after the entry prescribed in section two of this act has been made. Sec. 2. That the collector at the port of first arrival shall retain in his Invoice and onoflice a permanent record of such merchandise so to be forwarded to the WY- . port of destination, and such record shall consist of acopy of the invoice and an entry whereon the duties shall be estimated as closely as possible on the merchandise so shipped, but no oaths shall be required on the said entry. Such merchandise shall not be subject toappraisement and liquidation of duties at the port of first arrival, but shall undergo such examination as the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem necessary to verify the invoice; and the same examination and appraisement thereof shall be required and had at the port of destination as would have been required at the port of first arrival if such merchandise had been entered for consumption or warehouse at such port. Sec. 3. That such merchandise shall be delivered to and transported com m on our- - by common carriers, to be designated for this purpose by the Secretary ¤°”¤· of the Treasury, and to and by none others; and such carriers shall be responsible to the United States as common carriers for the safe delivery of such merchandise to the collector at the port of its destination; and before any such carriers shall be permitted to receive and transport any such merchandise, they shall become bound to the United States in Bond. bonds of such form and amount, and with such conditions, not inconsistent with law, and such security as the Secretary of the Treasury shall re mrc. (SEO. 4. That sections twenty-eight hundred and fifty-three and twenty- if- 2E5g, eight hundred and fifty-ve of the Revised Statutes of the United States K S‘f’é8§5· be, and the same are hereby, so amended as to require that all invoices of Amended; merchandise imported from any foreign country and intended to be transported without appraisement to any of the ports mentioned in the seventh . section of this act, shall be made in quadruplicate; and that the consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent, to whom the same shall be produced, shall certify each of said quadruplicates under his hand and officral seal ID the manner required by section twenty-eight hundred and fifty-hve of the Revised Statutes, and shall then deliver to the person producing the same two of the quadruplicates, one to be used rn making entry at the port of first arrival of the merchandise in the_U1uted States, an one to be used in making entry at the port of destination, file another in his