FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 190, 203. 1880. 175
officers for the appraisement of merchandise and the collection
Sec. 8. That sections twenty-nine hundred and ninct - ' hundred and ninety-one, twenty-nine hundred and ninetyZt:;i>6It?¢re1ntIy?29sig Séozggm 333} nine hundred and ninety-three, twenty-nine hundred and ninety-four 2995: 2996; 2997; twenty-nine hundred and ninety-five, twenty-nine hundred and ninety? ”P°"’1°d· six, and twenty-nine hundred and ninetyseven of the Revised Statutes be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 9. That no merchandise shall be shipped under the provisions of this act after such merchandise shall have been landed ten days from the importing vessel, and merchandise not entered within such time shall be sent to a bonded warehouse by the collector as unclaimed, and held until regularly entered and appraised. . Sec. 10. That section twenty-nine hundred and eighty-one of the Re- 12, $,2981, vised Statutes be amended so as to read as follows: That whenever the Amended. proper officer of the customs shall be duly notified in writing of the ex istence of a lien for freight upon imported goods, wares or merchandise in his custody, he shall, before delivering such goods, wares, or merchandise to the importer, owner, or consignee thereof, give seasonable notice to the party or parties claiming the lien; and the possession by the oiii- Lien for freight cers of customs shall not affect the discharge of such lien, under such 011 imI’°1"F°d S°°d¤· regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe ; and such officer may refuse the delivery of such merchandise from any public or bonded warehouse or other place in which the same shall be deposited, , until proof to his satisfaction shall be produced that the freight thereon has been paid or secured , but the rights of the United States shall not be prejudiced thereby, nor shall the United States or its officers be in any manner liable for losses consequent upon such refusal to deliver. If merchandise so subject to a lien regarding which notice has been filed, shall be forfeited to the United States and sold, the freight due thereon shall be paid from the proceeds of such sale in the same manner as other charges and expenses authorized by law to be paid therefrom are paid. . · Sec. 11. That this act shall take effect and bein force from and after £l_T<> igkeft efgcb the first day of July, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty. _,lfg,’,"fg809 "’ “ Approved, June 10, 1880. CHAP. 203.-An set to establish s district and smut wart at ctsttansogs ren- June 11, 1880- nessee, and to add the county of Grundy to the eastern district of Tennessee. '“‘‘__` ‘' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the county of Grundy here- mifégé courts, Tentofore composing s.·psl~t of the middle district of Tennessee be trans- “ · ferred to, and henceforth form a part of, the eastern district of Tennessee. Sec. 2. A term of the circuit court and of the district court for the t Term at Chateastern district of Tennessee shall be held at Chattanooga in said state ¤¤°<>é¤=*»· in each year on the first Mondays of April and October, after the passa e of this act. _ , , §EC. 3. Said eastern district shall be and hereby is divided into two wlilcerglnsrgiviggng divisions, to be known as the Northern and Southern divisions of the 0 f wswm dw eastern district of Tennessee, the southern division shall consist of the mm, following counties, to wit, Hamilton, James, Polk, McMmn, Bradley, Meigs, Rhea, Marion, Sequatchie, Bledsoe, Grundy, and Cumberland, and the northern division shall consist of the remaimng counties in said district. But no additional clerk or marshal shall be appointed in said district. _ _ Sec. 4. That the clerks of the district and circuit courts for tléie east, 5H9i1g2E5H2E9g11E3i; BPH district of Tennessee, and the marshal and district attorney orsai my I district, shall perform the duties appertaming to their offices respective y Dimes, 0 m s s , for said courts. And the said clerks and marshals shall each appoint a eee.