26O FORTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1880. Lincoln. For completing the grade, sidewalks, fences, and other necessary improvements on the grounds of the United States court-house and postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska, five thousand dollars. _ ‘ Washington. Treasury building, Washington, District of Columbia: For annual repairs, and fitting rooms to be vacated by the Bureau of Engraving and ‘ Printing, for offices and Ble-rooms, forty thousand dollars. t · Engraving and Building for Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, District T'*i¤¤¤g B¤¥°=*¤· of Columbia: For fencing, paving grading, and approaches, twenty thon- Proviao. sand dollars. Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and Purchase of lots. hereby is, authorized and directed to purchase lots numbered eleyen, twelve, twenty-four, and twenty-nve in square two hundred and thirty- one, in the city of Washington and District of Columbia, being the land lying between the south line of the present site of the new building for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and a. fifteen-foot alley, or any . portion thereof as an addition to the site of the said building, at a cost not exceeding dfty cents per square foot ; and the sum of lifteeu thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and seventy cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purchase of said land, is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Baltimore- Post-office, Baltimore, Maryland: The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to cause plans to be prepared for the said building, and to report to Congress at its next session the estimated cost of completing the same, together with a statement of all incidental expenses connected therewith, and the sum of four thousand dollars appropriated for 1879, oh.26, cost and expenses of condemnation by act of June eighteenth, eighteen S°S¤·1»2r hundred and seventy-nine, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby made available for the purpose of defraying the expenses of preparing said plans and estimates. Rep air s and Repairs and preservation of public buildings: For repairs and pres- P*°¤°¤’¤·’°¤°¤· ervation of public buildings under the control of the Treasury Depart ment, one hundred thousand dollars. ~ Post-Omoo Ds- PostOflice Department: To enable the Postmaster-General to rent 1>¤»F¤m<>¤*· the rooms lately occupied by the city post-office in the Post-Oiilce Department building, sixteen thousand three hundred and sixty-five dollars, the same to be immediately available. — sn. lary post- That the salary of the postmaster at the city of Washington, District master, Washing- of Columbia, be, and the same is hereby, fixed at the sum of four thou-
- °“· sand dollars per annum from and after the passage of this act.
pimproofbmld- To enable the Secretary of War to cause to be constructed a fireing, Washington. proof roof for the building on the corner of Seventeenth and F streets, Washington, District of Columbia, known as Winde:r’s building, twenty- nve thousand one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and fourteen cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Life·savi11g sta- LIFESAVING STATIONS. tions. For salaries of superintendents for the life-saving stations, as follows: On the coasts of Maine and New Hampshire, one, of Massachusetts, one, at one thousand dollars each; on the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, one, at one thousand five hundred dollars; of one assistant Zupglriggegdlent on the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, tive un r dollars. superintendents. For salary of one superintendent for the coast of New Jersey, one thousand five hundred dollars. For salaries of superintendents on the coasts of Delaware, Maryland, . and Virginia, one, at one thousand dollars; on the coastslof Virginia and North Carolina, one at one thousand dollars. · For salary of one superintendent for the houses of refuge on the coast of Florida, one thousand dollars ; and of one superintendent for the life-saving and life-boat stations on the coast of the Gulf of .Mexico, one thousand dollars, and of one on the coasts of Lakes Ontario and Erie, one thousand dollars. . _.