Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/293

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1880. 263 For protecting the site of Thirty-mile Point light-house, Lake Ontario, T h i rt y -mi1<> New York, five thousand dollars. P°i¤*· For establishing a light on the northern end of Belle Isle, Detroit Belle Isle. River, Michigan, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the erection of a light-house on Stannard’s Rock, Lake S t a 11 n a r d ’ n Superior, Michigan, fifty thousand dollars. ROCK- · For erection, removal, and repair of lights on pier-heads on the lakes, Piwhcads. rivers, and seaboard of the United States, twenty-five thousand dollars For establishing a light on Sand Island, the most westerly of the Sand ioioiiu. Apostle group, Lake Superior, Wisconsin, eighteen thousand dollars. That the appropriation of eighteen thousand dollars made by act of 1875, cli.130, March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive, for a light-house on SWL: 1*% 380· Passage Island, Lake Superior, is hereby made available for the erection l’¤~SS=*S° Islandof said light-house; and so much of said act as required that this appropriation should not be available until the government of the Dominion of Canada should build a light-house on Cholchester Reef is hereby repealed. . For continuing the erection of a first-class light-house and steam fog- TiU¤~m<>0kH<>¤<i- signal on Tillamook Head, Oregon, fifty thousand dollars. For building two steam-tenders for general service on the Atlantic Stemrr-tenderscoast, ninety thousand dollars: Provided, That masters of light-house 1'¢·<>vi¤v- tenders shall have police powers in matters pertaining to government property and smuggling. For the erection of a light-house on Bcll’s Rock, in York River, Vir- B<>ll’¤ Reckginia, thirty-five thousand dollars. For the erection of a light at the mouth of Sampit River, Georgetown Sampit Rivoi-. Harbor, South Carolina, one thousand two hundred dollars. To complete lighting of Delaware River from Deep Water Point to Do o p-W a t o i League Island, fifteen thousand dollars. Pem- For Horseshoe Shoal range-lights, superseding Fort Mifilin light, H o i· ooo ii oe twenty thousand dollars. Shoal- For the erection of a light-house near Lewes, Delaware, twenty thou- Lewes. sand dollars. For the erection of a light-house on Borden Flats, Mount Hope Bay, Borden Flats. Massachusetts, twenty-tive thousand dollars. ` For the establishment of a light on Forked Rock, Stamford Harbor, pork6d Roc]; in the State of Connecticut, seven thousand dollars. To complete the construction of a light-ship and fog-signal at Trinity Trinity Shoal. Shoal, on the western coast of Louisiana, fifteen thousand dollars. For establishing a fog-signal on Sandy or West Point, Puget Sound, Sandy or West ten thousand dollars. P°“‘*· To establish lights at the mouths of Red River, Louisiana, three thou- Months of R o u sand dollars. RMT- To establish a light at the mouth of the Amite River, in the State of Amito River. Louisiana, three thousand dollars. For the examination and survey of sites for proposed light-houses, Survey of sites, and preparing plans for proposed structures, ten thousand dollars. &<>- COAST AND GEODET10 SURVEY. .· Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, eastern division: For every Surveyof the At-_ purpose and object necessary for and incident to the continuation of the Iam-ic and G M if survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, the_Miss1s- °°”“*“- sippi and other rivers, to the head of either tidal influence or ship-navr gation ; soundings, deep~sea temperatures, dredgin gs, and current-observations along the a.bove-named coasts, in the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream, including its entrance into the Gulf, its course through the Caribbean and into and around the Sargasso Sea; the triangulation towards the western coast, and furnishing points for State surveys; the preparation and publication of charts, the Coast Pilot, and other results of the work, with the purchase of materials therefor, including compen-