Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/306

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276 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1880. State, at a cost not greater for each pupil than is, or may be for the time being, paid by such State for similar instruction, and the sum necessary therefor is appropriated out of the sum above provided for current expenses of the institution. For erection and fitting up of a gymnasium for the use of thestudents and pupils, five thousand dollars, and for the improvement and mclosure of the grounds of the institution, two thousand five hundred dollars; iu all, seven thousand nve hundred dollars. FBEED]@N’S HOSPITAL AND ASYLUM. F r Md m¤¤’ B Support of Freedmcn’s Hospital and Asylum, Washington, District H°“Pi*“]· of Columbia: For subsistence, eighteen thousand dollars; for salaries and compensation, nine thousand Eve hundred dollars; fuel and light, two thousand dollars; clothing, bedding, forage, and transportation, · and miscellaneous expenses, five thousand dollars; rent of hospital buildings and grounds, four thousand dollars; medicines and medical supplies, one thousand five hundred dollars; repairs and furniture, one thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, forty-one thousand eight hundred dollars. sMITHsoN1AN INSTITUTION. _Sm¥*h¤°¤i¤¤ I¤· Preservation of collections, Smithsonian Institution: For preserva- “°‘°““°"· tion and care of the collections of the surveying and exploring expeditions of the government and the objects presented to the United States at the International Exhibition of eighteen hundred and seventy-six, forty-five thousand dollars. Preservation of collections, Smithsonian Institution, Armory building: For expense of watching, care., and storage'of articles belonging to the United States, including those transferred from the International Exhibition of eighteen hundred and seventysix, and for transfer to the new National Museum, two thousand five hundred dollars. ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. , 9 FC §“*°‘{’°‘ For the completion of the work of the United States Entomological Haifa mm"' Commission under the Department of the Interior in the special investigation of the Rocky Mountain locust or grasshopper and the cotton- ` _ worm, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, to be immediately availa· P"°"”°· ble: Provided, That after the close of the next fiscal year all work of the character herein provided for shall be exclusively under the control of the Agricultural Department, and all operations under the Interior Department shall be fully and linally closed before the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. c g:;°¤·¤ of Edu- For the distribution and exchange of educational documents, and for °' ‘ wrapping, directing, tying, and packing the same, and for the collection, exchange, cataloguing, and caring thr the collection of educational apparatus and appliances, articles of school-furniture, and models of schoolbuildings, illustrative of foreign and domestic systems and methods oi education, and for repairing the same, Eve thousand dollars. _ INDIAN oF1v10E. Mrs- Shaw, of That the Secretary of the Interior be and he is hereby authorized t0 L"°“"°”°°>K‘*““· pay Mrs_ Sarah Shaw of Lawrence, Kansas, the sum of’five thousand dollars, in five annual installments of one thousand dollars each, out of any money that may hereafter be appropriated for the use and benefit of the Cheyenne Indians; the first installment to be paid out of the 5:;. 31+ 85. money appropriated for said Indians by the act approved May eleventh, ¤ · eighteen hundred and eighty, “making appropriations for the current