290 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 246, 247, 248, 249. 1880, Streets, courts, Sec. 6. That the streets, courts, and alleys and other thoroughfares ¤~¤d alleys . deddd or uio town or Hot Springs, as surveyed, opened, or established by the EY, §°;p°f,°?°’§ 8 commissioners and represented on the map of said town, and not included Soi-iiioo, in the permanent reservation be, and the same are hereby, ceded to the rmmo. corporation of the town of Hyot Sprmgs for public use: Provided howeoer that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to 1m.p3»1l' the rights — or equities conferred upon claimants to said land by an act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and an approved December sixteenth eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, m relation to the Hot Springs reservation in the State of Arkansas. _ Re maindors of Sec. 7. That that portion of the Hot Sprmgs Reservation laid off into °°“’“ *°*°“ **9** lots and blocks and forming part of the town site, but not awarded to bhffkff ufff. 6;;; any claimants, and not otherwise disposed of or reserved by this act, ggitlei to he sold shall be sold at publitc auctgm go themhéghgsttb1dder,]d}:1nc;i1esst’ghan its at public auction a raised value to e ma e om0 11116, 8 6 SOIO 011 3.11 dd dd? lm 'dhdd ulnder the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and after public "‘p,Bf;’;°6%sv:}ggjB notice in the usual way in the sale of public lands; and the money iiiooooffico oi; ’ arising from said sales, as well asany money paul in under section one · of this act, shall be held as a special fund for the improvement and care of the permanent reservation at Hot Springs and of the Hot Sprmgs Creek adjacent to and between the permanent reservations, and for the maintenance of free baths for the invalid poor of the United States, as provided by acts of Congress. Approved, June 16, 1880. June 16, 1880. CHAP. 247.-An act in relation toodhgomilggge of jurors and witnesses in the State Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Jurvys ¤~¤<1 Wit- States of America in Congress assembled, That jurors and witnesses in
the district and circuit courts of the United States in and for the State
' ’ °of Colorado, shall be entitled to receive nfteen cents for each mile actually traveled in coming to or returning from said courts. Approved, June 16, 1880. June 16, 1880. CHAP. 248.-An act granting to the Territory of Dakota section thirty-six, in town- -———-—-———-—- ship number f1fty-six north, of range number ninety-four west, in the county of Yankton, in said Territory, for the purposes of an asylum for the insane, and granting to said Territory one section of land, in lieu of said thirty-sixth section, for so 001 purposes. . Be it enacted by the Senate a/nd House of Representatives of the United D e k o ta Terri- States of America in Congress assembled, That section thirty-six, in townfa‘;f1V·forG*?IQ;aJ;’§ ship number nfty-six north of range number ninety-four west, in the Myim md fo 1. counaydof Yanlkgjon, Terrigory of Dakota, be, and the same is hereby, public schools. gran to said erritory or the purposes of an asylum for the insane; _ and that there be and is hereby, granted to said Territory one section S<>l¤<=t¤¤¤<>fl¤¤<l, of land, in lieu oi' said thirty-sixth section, for school purposes; said h"' ”‘“’d"· &°· section to be selected by the governor of said Territory from any of the public lands subject to private sale or entry. Such selection, when so made, shall be certified by the said governor to the surveyor-general of said Territory and to the officers of the local land-office of the district in wh1ch such land may be situated; and from the tiling of such certificate said land shall be withdrawn from private sale or entry, and shall be held as a portion of the lands granted to said Territory for school purposes. Approved, June 16, 1880. Jung 16, ]880_ CHAP. 249.-An act relating to machinists in the Navy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all men now serving in