Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/325

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 252. 1880. 295 LABORATORY. For chemicals and apparainrs for the use of the chemist and micro- Laboratory. scopist, and for necessary expenses in conducting experiments, four thousand dollars, to be available immediately. For the purpose of test- Testing weels. ing by scientific examination the textile strength, felting capacity, and &<>- ` other peculiarities of the diiierent wools and animal iibers on exhibition at the International Sheep and Wool Exposition to be held in Philadelphia in eighteen hundred and eighty, four thousand dollars, to be available immediately. For the purchase of machinery and apparatus, and for experiments Sorghumin the manufacture of sugar from sorghum and corn-stalks and other sugar-producing plants seven thousand five hundred dollars; and out of the above sum the Commissioner of Agriculture is hereby authorized to pay to the chief chemist one thousand dollars as additional compensation for the next iscal year, and the Commissioner is hereby authorized to sell and apply the products of such manufacture in further experiments authorized by this provision. CONTINGENT EXPENSES. For stationery, freight, express charges, fuel, lights, subsistence and Contingent excare of horses, repairs of harness and wagons, paper, twine, and gum P°¤¤<>¤· for folding-room; and for miscellaneous items, namely, for advertising, telegraphing, dry goods, soap, brushes, brooms, mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, purchasing supplies; and for necessary items, including actual traveling expenses, while on the business of the department, ten thousand dollars. 11*IvEs1‘1GA1‘10N OF DISEASES OF 1•‘AJ2.M-ANIMALS. For the investigation of the diseases of swine and infectious and con- Diseases er reseltagious diseases of swine, and infectious and contagious diseases to ¤»¤i¤¤=>»l¤- which all other classes of domesticated animals are subject, ten thou- . sand dollars. POSTAGE. For postage on return letters, circulars, and miscellaneous articles, for restege. correspondents and foreign letters, four thousand dollars. mm LANDS. For the purpose of enabling the Commissioner of Agriculture to pro- Arid lands. cure data touching the agricultural needs of the arid region of the United States, five thousand dollars. That with a view to the reclamation of the arid and waste lands lying Artosian wells. in certain Western States and Territories the Commissioner of Agriculture is hereby authorized to contract for the sinking of two artesian wells on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains. The said wells are to be sunk at such places as the Commissioner of Agriculture may designate; and whenever the site of either of such wells shall be designated the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and required to declare the reservation of four square miles with the said site as nearly as possible in the centre thereof, and the land so reserved shall not be subject to sale or disposal under any law of the United States until such reservation has been released. Any party making a contract to sink an artesian well, under this act, shall at the end of week after_the work shall have been begun, forward to the Commissioner of Agriculture a report containing a statement of the character of the ground or rock through which the well is sunk, giving the thickness of the strata of each formation, and he shall flunish samples of all the diiferent materials through which the well is sunk, and conform with all regulations