RESOLUTIONS. [No. Lg Joint resolution to transfer the arsenal property in the city of Charleston, Deo. 19, 1879. Sout Carolina, to the trustees of the Holy Communion Church 'tute for the ——-——-——--· use and accommodation of said school. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameriw. in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and is Arson a1 at hereby, authorized and directed to lease and deliver possession upon g];:;l§g°;¥:;Sb?>Bs(i;y such terms and conditions as to him may seem best, for the use of; or in ,1,,,;,;,,1,, C0mmull_ the interest of the government, to the trustees of the Holy Communion ion Church Insti- Church Institute, the property known as the “Arsena1", situated in the ’¤¤t<> for ¤¤k<><>l- city of Charleston, State of South Carolina together with all the build- , ings, rights, and appurtenances thereto belonging, to be had and held by said trustees for the use and accommodation of said school for such t;_H$$ as said lease may run, if not theretofore required by the Secretary o ar. SEO. 2. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized Secretary ¤fW¤u to make such terms and arrangements with said trustees for the care *°'“"·k° *°"““»&°· and protection of said property during its occupancy by said school, and for the redelivery of possession to the government when thereto required, as will best subserve the interests of the government: Rrovided, Proviao. That the government shall not be required to pay for any improvements that may be placed on said grounds during the continuance of said lease. · Approved, December 19, 1879. [No. 2.] Joint resolution filling existing vacancies in the Board of Regents of the Dec. 19, 1679. Smithsonian Institution. --—--—-·-—· Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in. Congress assembled, That the existing vacancies in the _Exgs·m;§ vacan- Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of the class other MB 1¤ <>¤¤i <>f than members of Congress shall be iilled by the reappointment of Asa §,,;’i§,gQ1f,;u°fngg? Gray of Massachusetts, Plenry Coppeé of Pennsylvania, John Mac- ,,,,.,,0,, mm by W lean of New Jersey and Peter Parker of the city of Washington, whose appointment. terms have expired. Approved, December 19, 1879. [No. 3.] Joint resolution authorizing payment of the salarlesof the employes of Con- Dec. 19, 1879. gross on the nineteenth of December eighteen hundred and seventy nine. ·———-——-————-——- Resolved by the Senate and Houseof Representatives of the United States cg America in 0'ongress assembled, That the Secretary of the Senate and Salaries or eme Clerk of the House of Representatives are hereby authorized and r;°¥6¤ §_¤*g;c*;;d directed to pay the employes of the two Houses of Congress on Friday bgwfsyg, P E Q the nineteenth instant for the month of December. mcs; meitipamg, Approved, December 19, 1879. [No. 4.] Joint resolution touching irhlgm Hot Springs reservation in the State of Jan. 14, 1880. sas. ————————-—— Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States H S - ,,_ o America in Congress assembled That the time allowed the Secretary ewstiongmngs N , 299
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