Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/343

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 8, 9, 10. 1880. 313 SEQ. 4. That on the second Monday in January, eighteen hundred andeighty-one, and annually thereafter, the stockholders of said association shall be convened in general meeting and shall elect eleven of their number as a board of directors. Sec. 5. That in all elections each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote, and shareholders may vote by proxy in accordance with the provisions of the by-laws. Approved, December 23, 1880. CHAP. 9.-An act granting permission to the Chamber of Commerce of New York Dec. 23, 1880. to`erect a. statue on the sub—treasury building in the city of New York. ;-···—·····— · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Statue to George ury is hereby authorized to permit the New York Chamber of Commerce W¤¤hi¤¤sii¤¤¤· to erect, without any cost to the government, a suitable statue, or group, commemorative of the inauguration of George Washington as tirst President of the United States, on the front of the building known as the sub-treasury of the United States, which now marks the spot on the sub-’l‘roosu¤y corner of Wall and Nassau streets in the city of New York, where the l>¤i1di_¤g, New oath of office was administered to him. Y°‘k CIW Sec. 2. That the design for such statue, or group, shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Treasury for his approval, and the work shall at all times be subject to his supervision and control, and shall be so performed as not to injure said building. And said statue, or group, so erected shall be at all times under the exclusive control of the United States. If said work shall not be completed within five years next after the passage of this act the authority hereby granted and the permission authorized shall terminate. * Approved, December 23, 1880. CHAP. 10.-An act to authorize the construction of a iixed bridge over the Saint Dec. 23, 1880. Mary’s River and for other purposes. —————-—·· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Waycross and Florida Bpidgg Over gain; Railway Company and the East Florida Raih·oad Company be, and they Mary’s River. are hereby, authorized to construct a fixed bridge with one span over the Saint Mary’s River at the point selected by said companies for crossing said river with their railroad line, about one and one—l1alf miles below Trader’s Hill, in Charlton County, Georgia, and to make such bridge of such height as they may see tit: Provided, The height be sufficient to Proviso. permit the passage of timber rafts under said bridge; and such proposed railroad crossing and bridge are hereby declared to be the head of navigation on the said Saint Mary’s River. Sec. 2. That Congress reserves the right to alter or amend or repeal this act at any time and that if at any time the navigation of the said river shall in any way be obstructed or impaired by the said bridge the Secretary of War shall have authority and it shall be his duty to req mrc the said railroad companies to alter and change the said bridge at their own expense in such manner as may be proper to secure free and complete navigation without impediment, and if upon reasonable notice to said railroad companies to make such change or improvements they shall fail to do so the Secretary of War shall have authorityto make the same and all the rights conferred by this act shall be forfeited, and Congress shall have power to do any and all things necessary to secure the free navigation of the river. - - Approved, December 23, 1880.