Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/360

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330 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 69, 70, 71. 1881. they shall use the same for other than canal purposes, then all rights of said canal coimpany, its lessieetslormslpnsmggiml {birdie and piropefltyi shag cease and etermine an 0 sa1 aqu uc s e e · 0 an removed by the Secretary of War. _ _ _ _ _ Repairs. Sec. 3. And the Secretary of War is further authorized, in his discretion, in the event of said purchase, to repair the wooden bridge now on said piers,and for that purpose is authorized to expend, of the moneys hereinbefore appropriated, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars. Approved, February 23, 1881. Feb, 23, 1881, CHAP. 70.-An act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. to ---———-—-—- recommend a proper site for a Union Railroad Depot in the city of Washington, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United U¤¤i<>¤ K¤·"*°**·d States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the

 ggy °f District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized   recommend

Comnissigners a suitable site for a Union Railroad Depot for all the railroad compaof the District of, nies whose tracks enter or terminate in said city, having due regard, C<*‘¤¤¤bi¤· to ¤°l°°{ as well to the interests of the residents and property owners of the

f,;l,0l_"{’,‘j1‘:,'"r't‘Q‘IQ’(§‘;t District of Columbia as to the chartered rights and pecuniary invest-
,0 (;.,,,é{~m, ments of the railroad companiesto be affected by the action of Congress

in the premises ; but if, in the Judgment of the said Commissioners, It is better for the interest of all parties concerned, that two depots should be established, the one on the northern and the other on the southern side of the city of Washington, then to make selection of the two sites for the respective depots, and to report their action in the premises, with proper plats, to Congress, during the present session; but if that is not practicable, then to report on the first Monday of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, with a bill containing such further provisions as they may deem best calculated to secure the use by said railroad companies of said union depot if so selected; or in case of the selection of the two depots aforesaid, to secure the use of the northern depot by the company or companies whose road or roads enter the city of Wasliington nearest to said northern depot, and the use of the southern depot by the company or companies whose road or roads enter the said city nearest to said southern depot, and to compel the vacation of all other depots and the removal of all tracks not necessary for use in reaching the depot or depots intended to be established under the provisions Proviso. offthisdact: Pgoaided, That such pnion depot or the two depots herein re erre to w ic ever may e se ected shall be provided by said rail- ` road companies iree irom expense to they United States or the District of Columbia. · Approved, February 23, 1881. Feb. 23, 1881. CHAP. 71.-An act to provide for the removal of the terms of the United States cir· —········—·`··· céuit anld diszricgl conirts tngw held at Exeter, for and within the district of New amps IIB, 0 8 C1 y 0 0I1C0l‘ . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _T¤¤j1:¤¤ <éfdU· _S£ States of America in Congress assembled, That the terms of the United

 {ft   States circuit and district courts now held at Exeter for and within the

moved to 00,,, district of New Hampshire, be, and the same hereaizter shall be held at cord, N. H. Concord in said district. Approved, February 23, 1881.