Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/372

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342 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 78. 1881. RUSSIA. Odessa. GERMANY. Sonneberg; Nuremberg; Barmen; Cologne; Chemnitz; Leipsie; Crefold. AUSTRIA-HUN GARY. Trieste; Prague. SWITZERLAND. Basle; Zurich. MEXICO. Acapulco; Matamoras. BRAZIL. Pernambuco. MADAGASCAR. Tamatave. FRIENDLY AND N AVIGATOBFS ISLANDS. Apia. VENEZUELA. Maracaibo. URUGUAY. Montevideo. TURKISH DOMINIONS. Beirut; Smyrna. Class six. CLASS VI.—At one thousand nve hundred dollars per annum. GREAT BRITAIN. Bristol; Newcastle; Auckland; Gibraltar; Cape Town; Saint Helena; Charlottetown (Prince Edward Island); Port Stanley; Clifton; Picton ; Winnipeg; Mabe; Kingston (Canada); Prescott; Port Sarnia; Quebec; Saint John’s (Canada); Barbadoes; Bermuda; Fort Erie; Goderieh (Canada West); Windsor (Canada West); Southampton; Ottawa; Ceylon. FRENCH DOMINION S. Nice; Martinique; Guadeloupe. SPANISH DOMINIONS. Cadiz; Malaga; Barcelona. PORTUGUESE DOMINIONS. Fayal (Azores); Funchal. BELGIUM. Verviers and Liege. GERMANY. Munich; Stuttgart; Mannheim; Aix la Chapelle. DOMINIONS OF THE NETHERLANDS. Amsterdam.