Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/379

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FOBTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 79. 1881. 349 For purchase and manufacture of clothing and camp and garrison Clothing. equipage, and for preserving and repacking the stock of clothing and camp and garrison equipage and materials on hand at the Philadelphia, J effersonville, and other depots of the Quartermastefs Department, one million one hundred thousand dollars. For all contingent expenses of the Army not provided for by other C ontingent, estimates, and embracing all branches of the military service, to be Amwexpended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, forty thousand dollars. MEDIGAL DEPAR*rM;mNr.—For purchase of medical and hospital sup- Medical and hosplies, medical eare and treatment of officers and soldiers on detached Pi*°»l¤“PPu°¤· duty, expenses of purveying depots, advertising, and other miscellaneous expenses of the Medical Department, two hundred thousand dollars. For the Army Medical Museum, and for medical and other works for M¤¤<=*¤¤· the library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, ten thousand dollars. _ ENGINEER DE1>AR.TMEN1‘.—For engineer depot at Willets Point, New E¤Sm°°¥Z d°P°*- York, namely: For purchase of engineering materials to continue the Wm°t” P°m’°‘ present course of instruction of the Engineer Battalion in iield engineering one thousand dollars. Eor incidental expenses of the depot, remodeling ponton-trains, repairing instruments, purchasing fuel, forage, stationery, chemicals, extraduty pay to soldiers engaged in special skilled labor, such as wheelwright work, printing, photographing and lithographing engineer documents, and ordinary repairs, four thousand dollars. ORDNANGE DEPABTMENT.—FOT the ordnance service, required to _ 0¤d¤¤¤¤¤ BMV- defray the current expenses at the arsenals; of receiving stores and "’°· issuing arms and other ordnance supplies · of police and office duties; of fuel and lights; of stationery and office furniture; of tools and instruments for use; of public animals, forage, and vehicles; incidental expenses of the ordnance service, including compensation of workmen in the armory and museum building connected with the Ordnance Office, and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, small-arms, and other ordnance supplies, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. For manufacture of metallic ammunition for small-arms, eighty thou- Metallic ammusand dollars. ¤i*>i<>¤- For overhauling, cleaning, and preserving new ordnance stores on Preservingstores. hand at the ar enals twenty thousand dollars. _ For mounting and, dismounting guns and removing the armament _M°¤¤*}¤B mid from forts being modified or repaired, including heavy carriages returned ‘h“m°'"m“g gum to arsenals for alteration and repairs, and other necessary expenses of the same character, and for repairing ordnance stores in the hands of troops and for issue at the arsenals and depots, and for extra—duty pay Extra-duty pay. for enlisted men detailed for ordnance service, thirty thousand dollars. For purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores, to fill requisitions Ordnance stores. of troops one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. For infantry cavalry, and artillery equipments, consisting of clothing- Equipments. bags, haversacks, canteens, and great-coat straps, and repairing horse equipments for cavalry troops, sixty-five thousand dollars. For powder-depot: For grading grounds, erecting magazines, and Powder depot. other necessary buildings, and all expenses incident thereto, fifty thousand dollars. For manufacture of arms at national armories, three hundred thou sand Manufacture of dollars: Provided, That not more than fifty thousand dollars of this ***,*};,,,80 amount may be expended by the Secretary of War in the manufacture ‘ or purchase of magazine guns, to be selected by a board of officers to Magazine gene. be appointed by the Secretary of War._ _ _ Umcrnn Smrns Tnsrme MAonrm¤.—For caring for, preserving, Teetingmecnine. using, and operating the United States testing machine at the Watertown Arsenal, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That the tests of iron Provisc. and steel, and other materials, for industrial purposes shall be continued during the next fiscal year, and report thereof shall be made to Congress.