408 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. GH. 130. 1881, · thirteen clerks at one thousand dollars each; eight copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; one assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all, eightytwo thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. Mi¤¤¤11¤»¤•w¤¤ · For blank books, binding, fuel, light, and other miscellaneous items, including price-lists and two city newspapers, to be filed and bound and preserved for the use of the office, three thousand dollars. ’ Commissioner of Pmvsroiv OFFICE.—FOT compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, Pg-g¤g¤.kd¤p¤;y. nvo thousand dollars; nrst deputy commissioner, three thousand six gm? 0§h‘f;.Sj ° “S> hundred dollars; deputy commissioner, two thousand four hundred dol. lars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; medical referee, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; forty-five clerks of class four; seventvfive clerks of class three; one hundred clerks of class two; one hundred and forty-eight clerks of class one; ten clerks at one thousand dollars each; thirty copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one engineer at one thousand two hundred dollars; one messenger and twelve assistant messengers; and for ten laborers and four watchmen; in all, five hundred and ninety-one thousand and ten dollars. A d d i li i 0 11 el For the following additional clerical force in the Pension OfHce,name1y: g;°3kv§&‘l‘€§f;§]§“’S· Twenty examiners, at two thousand dollars each; twenty clerks of class ' four; twenty clerks of class three; twenty clerks of class two; fifty clerks of class one; three assistant messengers; three watchmen; and five laborers; in all, two hundred and three thousand six hundred and twenty dollars; and for the like force for the balance of the current fiscal year, fifty thousand nine hundred and five dollars; the latter sum to be immediately available. For actual and necessary expenses of clerks detailed to investigate pension cases, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. And the R- B· 5485- provisions of section fifty-four hundred and eighty-five of the Revised Statutes shall be applicable to any person who shall violate the provis- 1878, cli. 367, ions of an act entitled "An act relating to claim agents and attorneys Smo 2*% 243- ibn pgmsion cases,” approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- lg . · Contingent cx~ For Colltlllgellt expenses of the office, namely: . P°¤¤°¤- For carpets, maps, furniture, awnings, and repairs of the same; for fuel, gas, and repairing heaters and elevators; engraving and retouching plates ; for bounty-land warrants, and printing and binding the same; engraving and printing pension certificates; and for other necessary expenses of the office, including two daily newspapers and cost of telegraphing; tlfty-one thousand dollars; fifteen thousand, dollars of which _ _ _ sum shal be available during the current Escal year. C<>¤g1¤¤¤¤¤<>¤¤1‘ of UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.——FOI' compensation of the Com-
- g§iS%_$¥$"° ?g]i°é’;, Illissloller of the Patent Office, four thousand five hundred d0ll8»I‘S ‘ fof
01,,,;,: ,,,,,,,,,},,,,,8 assistant commissioner, three thousand dollars- for chief clerk Jtwv and others. ’ thousand two hundred and nfty dollars- three7examiners-in-chief, at three thousand dollars each; examiner in, charge of interferences two thousand five hundred dollars; trademark examiner and examiner ot designs, at two thousand four hundred dollars each- twenty-three principal examiners, at two thousand four hundred dollars each · twenty- four first assistant examiners at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; twenty-four second assistant examiners at one thousand six hundred dollars each; twenty-four third assistant examiners, at one thouiggd ggggfeq dOlL3»I‘S each; one financial elerk, two thousand d01* Imérior may dGte;£iH8eH2n1D1_i)uch_ amount as the Secretary of U16 Cmmst one thoumud _, h 6 1 Tamiami two thousand dollars.; one mw two theusand d01mm ;1Xh·11Dd1‘ed dollars; three ehlefs of dlV1SlOD; at
t.. of whom tsrm of me M °f·i”“i?i
of class tW0_ and f t {1 3. Oro languages); nmeteencef b , or y ve clerks of class one- fortytwo permanent cgenksbat one thousand dollars each; for seventyycopyists, one of whom gr; hp 3. draughtsman, at nine hundred dollars each; for four skilléd ug Smen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; for one mes-