Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/467

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FQRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS; Sess. III. On. 133. 1881. 437 Head, Oregon, twenty-five thousand dollars, the same to be immediately available. ' Point Conception Light Station, California: For rebuilding station Point concepand purchasing land for site of light-house at Point Conception Califor- *i°¤ Llshli S*>=¤l>i<>¤· nia forty thousand dollars, of which sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars shall be used for purchase of the site- and no portion of the resi due of said appropriation shall be expended until the title to the said site is vested in the United States. For the erection of a light-house and fog-bell on Whale Rock, at the WMM R<>¤k. pntrance of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, thirty-Eve thousand dol- N‘*""g‘“‘°°“ B">’· ars. For the construction and establishment of a light-ship on Five Fathom Five F at li o m Bank, in Delaware Bay, fifty thousand dollars. B¤·¤k- For the purpose of lighting the Savannah River between the mouth savannah River. of said river and the city of Savannah Georgia, sixty thousand dollars. For commencing a light-station on Sanabel Island, Punta Bossa Har- Sauabel Island. bor Florida, twenty thousand dollars. For the erection of a light-house and fog·bell on Bloody Point Bar, Bl<>¤dy P<>i¤t Kent Island, Chesapeake Bay, twenty-five thousand dollars. B“· For the establishment of a bell- buoy on Graham Shoals, in the Strait Graham Shoals. of Mackinaw, two thousand dollars. For re-establishing a light at Bass River Harbor, Massachusetts, four Bass River Hai-- hundred dollars. bor. l For a fourth·order light on Sherwood Point, Green Bay, Wisconsin, Sh°*W°°d P°"**· twelve thousand dollars. . G’°°” BW- I For range-lights on Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, eleven thousand dol· S°¤*s<><>¤ Bar ars. For completing the Cape Henry Light-House Station, Virginia, .0 “P° H°“’Y twenty-five thousand dollars. g:,€,l?fH°"°° Sm' The money heretofore appropriated for establishing a fog-signal on S5~¤<1y or WM . Sandy or West Point, Puget Sound, shall be applicable to the estab- §0‘:,m“· P"l-T'" lishment and construction of both a light-house and fog-signal at that ' point. Lmm-SAVING STATIONS. For salaries of superintendents for the life- aving stations, as fol- S°{jé£;‘S“""’¢ lows: On the coasts of Maine and New Hampshire, one, of Massachu· ‘ setts, one, at one thousand dollars each · on the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, one, at one thousand five hundred dollars; of one assistant superintendent on the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, five hundred dollars. For salary of one superintendent for the coast of New Jersey, one thousand five hundred dollars. , For salaries of superintendents on the coasts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, one at one thousand dollars; on the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, one at one thousand dollars. For salary of one superintendent for the houses of refuge on the coast of Florida, one thousand dollars; and of one superintendent for the life-saving and lifeboat stations on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, one thousand dollars, and of one on the coasts of Lakes Ontario and Erie, one thousand dollars. _ _ _ For salaries of superintendents for the life-saving and hfe-boat statrons, as follows: One on the coasts of Lakes Huron and Superior, and of one on the coast of Lake Michigan, at one thousand dollars each. _ For salary of one hundred and ninety-six keepers of lifesaving and life-boat stations and of houses of refuge, at four hundred dollars each, seventy-eight thousand four hundred dollars. _ _ For pay of crews of experienced surfrnen employed at the life-saving and lite-boat stations, during the period of actual employment; compensation of volunteers at life-saving and life-boat stations for actual and deserving service, rendered upon each occasion ot disaster, at such