FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. nr. ou. isa. iss;. 447 Artificial limbs: For furnishing artificial limbs and appliances, or Artiuciu.1 limbs. commutation therefor, and transportation, one hundred and seventy-nve thousand dollars. Appliances for disabled soldiers: For providing surgical appliances Surgical appli. for persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United States, ¤¤¤¤¤- not otherwise provided for, three thousand dollars. . ' That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized Free transports. and directed to transport free of charge silver coin when requested to tion or silver coin. do so: Provided, That an equal amount in coin or currency shall have Prouico. been deposited in the Treasury by the applicant or applicants; and that there is hereby appropriated twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for that purpose, and that the same be available from and after the passage of this act. Support of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, current ex. National Home penses, including construction and repairs: For the Central Branch, for f°’t6]g’“gb}3g V°l· the Eastern Branch, for the Northwestern Branch, for the Southern °°Gm;m‘{ G3; B Branch, and for out-door relief and incidental expenses, nine hundred B_ M0C},,ii,,,, ,5; and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War be pointedamanager. - directed to turn over to the managers of the National Home for Dis- I’*‘0·‘i*¤· abled Volunteer Soldiers all the old clothing now held for issue to the National Home. Said managers are authorized to estimate for budding Building fs, is. and maintenance at the Central Branch of a building or buildings for sane. the safe and proper keeping of the insane. And General John Love, o1' ` the State of Indiana, one of the managers of said homes, having died, General George B. McClellan, of the State of New Jersey, is hereby appointed to till the vacancy for the unexpired term. Road from Fort Scott to the national cemetery, Kansas: For comple- ROM fmm Fm tion of roadway from Fort Scott, Kansas, to the national cemetery near E,f;a;° °°m°t‘"·l'* that city, Eve thousand five hundred dollars._ Road from Vicksburg, Mississippi, to the national cemetery: For bR<>=*·d*?¤>¤¤ V}¤k¤i completion of roadway fromVicksburg, Mississippi, to thenational come- 05%,;; “’m°““ tery near that city, ten thousand dollars. _ ` For constructing a carriage-way from New Market street in the city Q¤·¤‘1¤€¤-Way to of Jeffersonville, Indiana, to the United States military depot in said xgggnvglgpgzg city, under the direction of the Secretary of War, four thousand dollars. diana_ ' For transportation of reports and maps to foreign countries through T¤¤¤¤P¤1‘¤¤*i°¤ Of the Smithsonian Institution, five hundred dollars. }§fQ’,;°;““g0’:QfQ;Q through Smithsonian Institution. Pfintin Catalo e of the Libr of the Surgeon-General’s Office: C¤*=*l°S¤° °f LF For printgitng and glldnding the thirldy volume of the Catalogue of the léfggugg §,`§§$°°` Library of the Surgeon·General’s Oifnce, ten thousand dollars. Mississippi Riv. Mississippi River Commission: For salaries and traveling expenses of or Commission. Commission, office expenses, and reduction of work; for continuation of surveys and gaugings of Mississippi River and its tributaries; for permanent gauge—stations and borings; for publication of maps and Tosults, one hundred and fifty thousand d0llB·I‘S· _ _ _ _ Ubservation and exploration in the Arctic Seas: For coniumllug the Ezlggtgfé 0g1T:: WOT]! of scientiiic observation and exploration on or near the shores of gbitm in Lgdy Lady Franklin Bay, and for transportation of men and supplies to said pmnkiin Bg,y_ loqation and return, twenty-nve thousand dollars. F hM im, _T0 complete the construction of Fort Maginnis, near the Mussolshcll °*` W1 “· River, in the Territory of Montana, fifty-five thousand even hundred and five dollars and eighty-four cents. f t S d For the extension of the United States wharf at Sandy Hook, New Hgfgilr il ***1 Y Jersey, five thousand dollars. t A . For the completion of Fort Assinaboine, in the Territory of Montana, bog::' Ss""" fo1‘ty-five thousand dollars. _A b . Fo? the completion of necessary buildings, including oftlcers’ quarters, mgizjty 3e;;;,';?; fo1' l1l16 headquarters of the military department of Texas, at SM1 All- ment, TMm_ . tomo, Texas, fifty thousand dollars.
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