Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/495

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FOR.TY~SlXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. O1:. 134. 1881. 4,65 For rent of school-buildings, including site of old northeastern mar- Rents. ket, twenty-three thousand dollars; for fuel, eleven thousand dollars; repairs to school-buildings, ten thousand dollars; and for contingent expenses, including furniture, books, stationery, printing, insurance, and miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, nfty-nine thousand dollars. For buildings for schools: For the purchase of sites, when necessary, _Sit¤¤, and crocand the erection and completion of four buildings for primary and in- *¥°¤ and °°mP]°· termediate schools, two to be erected in the second school division and "h°°1 two in the sixth school division (county), one hundred and four thou- ` sand dollars, provided that they shall be contracted for before the first day of September next, and finished before the urst day of August, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, to be appropriated as follows, namely: For the second school division, ninety-six thousand dollars; for the sixth school division (county), eight thousand dollars. For the payment o the ashington school-fund bonds now held by Payment of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, seventy thousand six Wh”· 1];. mail? hundred and thirty dollars and forty-seven cents; and said Commis- ”° °°u" °" ’ sioners am hereby authorized and directed to cancel and destroy said _ bonds, and to use said appropriation in the erection and completion of bulglégh ‘ *1* °°1 a highschool building. Said building shall be located on that part of mg' square numbered four hundred and forty-six commencing at the rear end of that part of said square heretofore dedicated to school purposes, two hundred feet in width, thence south same width to 0 street in Washington city; and said building shall be contracted for and completed within the time fixed for the buildings provided for in the next preceding paragraph: And provided, That the plans and specifications Proviw for each of said school-buildings shall be furnished by the Architect of the Capitol and approved by the board of school trustees, and the work shall be superintended by the.District inspector of buildings. MARKETS. For three market-masters at one thousand five hundred dollars each; Market-masters, one market-master at nine hundred dollars; contingent expenses, m- °*°· cluding gas repairs, cleaning, and miscellaneous items one thousand tive hundred dollars; in all, six thousand nine hundred dollars. For repairs to the Georgetown market-house, three thousand dollars. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. exllgfixgglaneous For repairs of hay-scales, five hundred dollars; for rent of District Items. offices, three thousand six hundred dollars; for generaladvermsing, live thousand dollars; for books for register of wills, printing checks, damages, and miscellaneous items not otherwise provided for, three thousand dollars; in all, twelve thousand one hundred dollars. For removal of bodies from Holmead’s Cemetery (when requested by the relatives), one thousand dollars. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. . FOP 0116 health-oflicer, three thousand dollars; six_sa-nitary mspeotors, iDH*;*g£) sam 3 *:1*;; at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two food-inspectors, one thou- OJ12N_ * sand two hundred dollars each; one inspector of marine products, one thousand dollars · for clerks, seven thousand dollars; one messenger, five hundred and forty dollars ; one poundm astcr, one thousand two hun- _ drod dollars; and for contingent expenses, ineluding books stationery, Coutmgentéguxa; R16}, 1‘611t,laborers under poundmaster, repairs to pound, and wagon and Eggs;} mm horse for poundmaster, forage, meat for dogs,_d1s1nfectants, horseshoeing, and miscellaneous items, three thousand eight hundred dollars; removal of garbage, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, forty-one thousand one hundred and forty dollars. xxx-30