Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/505

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IOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 136. 1881. 4,75 Improving Rappahannock River, Virginia, fifteen thousand dollars. 1{Rappahannook 1VOI'. Improving Staunton River, Virginia, nvc thousand dollars. Staunton River. Improving Totuski River, Virginia, two thousand nve hundred dol- Totuski River. lars. Improving Urbana Creek, Virginia, four thousand dollars. Urbana Creek. {rip;-oving York River at West Point, Virginia, twenty-tive thousand York River. dollars. Improving harbor at Baltimore, Maryland: Continuing operations Baltimore Harfor the shortening and deepening the channel to twenty-seven feet at bm`- mean low water, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. , Improving Elk River, West Virginia, five thousand dollars. Elk River. Improving Great Kanawha River,.and operation of works, West Vi1·- Great Kanawha ginia, two hundred thousand dollars. River- , Improving Guyandotte River, West Virginia, three thousand five G“5’¤¤d°**>*= Rivhundred dollars. °"· Improving Little Kanawha River, West Virginia, forty thousand dol- ,Lim° K¤¤¤“’h¤ larsg Provided, That no tolls shall be collected by the Little Kanawha R‘,‘§,?;;,,w Navigation Company for that part of the river improved by the general Little j;,,.,,,,,.;,,, g0V8I‘DmGI1iG. . Navigation Com- Bih . Improving Cape Fear River, North Carolina, hom the ocean to Wil- P GIp¤F¤ar Rivermington, one hundred and forty thousand dollars. Improving the Cape Fear River from Wilmington to Fayetteville, North Carolina, thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary 1>i·omo. of War is directed to expend of the money hereby appropriated, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to extinguish any claim of right held by any company or corporation, to take tolls or make charges for the navigation of so much of said river as is above described; And pro- Proviso. vided jurther, That said claim of right shall be extinguished and released on or before the first day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty one, and no part of this appropriation shall be expended in the improvement of said river until such claim of right is wholly extinguished and released: Prooidod farther, That nothing herein contained shall be p.-wao, taken or held as a waiver on the part of the United States to the exclusive control of navigation of said river relieved from any charges or tolls imposed by any company or corporation. Improving Currituck Sound, Coanjok Bay, North River and Bar, C.m·imckS0um1_ North Carolina, thirty thousand dollars. 1 Improving French Broad River, North Carolina, five thousand dol- Rilxgnclr Broad ars. · _ Improving N euse River from its mouth to head of navigation, North Ngugg mem-_ Carolina, thirty thousand dollars. Improving Pamlico and Tar Rivers, North Carolina, eight thousand ijanilioo and rar dollars. Rivers. Improving Seuppernong River, North Carolina, one thousand dollars. Rs ppporri on g ' Improving Trent River, North Carolina, ive thousand dollars. Trent River. Improving Yadkin River, North Carolina twelve thousand dollars. Yadkin River. Improving Contentnia Creek, North Carolina, ten thousand dollars. CFC6g1x the n t ni n Improving Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina, thirty thousand dollars. bolgeaufoit H ar- Improving Lillington River, North Carolina, three thousand dollars. BrL¤1l¤¤g¢<>¤ Rwd Ipoproving Ashley River, South Carolina, one thousand nve hundred ASIMY R“'<=Y· o ars. . Improving Great Pedee River, South Carolina, between Little Blufi 6rG*`°“* P°°I°° R“" and Cheraw, six thousand dollars. __ Improving Waccemaw River, South Carolina from lts mouth up to Waccemaw Riv- Woocemaw Lake, North Carolina, ten thousand dollars. °’· _ k Improving Town Creek, in North Carolina, one thousand dollars. T°"”1 C*°'° · _ Improving Chattahooohie River, Georgia, twenty thousand dollars. Ri€£**“·I'°°°I""